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The library had a few tall walls of ancient volumes; one would get lost wandering through the many titles and scientific researches. most of them were now somewhat decoration as less and less people came by to remember them. in a corner by an immense window sat the two high schoolers "i'm so hungry" Jennie whined stroking her forehead, Jia who had to include another reference smiled at her "then, shall we go to eat?" they did a high-five excitedly before the angry librarian shushed them.

they silently began to gather their belongings jennie's beaming smile slowly numbed as she looked up and saw the joy in Jia's little dancing steps indeed jennie was too nice to her today it wasn't usual between them. little by little jennie sat back on her chair, tightly griping on the armrest as she studied the other's expression change,"could you tell me again why you don't get along with Aeri?"

Jia stopped immediately and peeked at jennie secretly before faking out a smile "she never likes to be with people like me" but jennie couldn't buy it the scene was still flashing in her mind as if it just happened "what do you mean by people like you?" jennie asked again.

"the quirky nerd! the one who always wants to fit in but has no qualifications" Jia sighed and zipped up her backpack whilst Jennie leaned back on her chair thinking, "incase you forgot i was like you... but she took me in and we were best friends."

she flinched when jia held onto her hand her touch was soft and shaky probably she was still afraid of jennie "Jennie-ah! can't you really see? she used you but i have got nothing she would borrow" Jia insisted but the other yanked away crossing her arms over her chest, fuming with anger not knowing whom to believe.

"but what did i have? why would she do it?" jennie protested. Jia shrugged as if she had no idea "maybe because you were new and were the talk of the school, or maybe because of your good grades!, your humbleness, the way you attracted everyone and all adored you!... i don't know. only her can answer that"

jennie stood up hastily ready to risk it all and tell her what she saw the other day in the playground but Jia's phone started buzzing and the universe gave jennie another chance to think twice.

"what is it?" seeing how her expression changed jennie couldn't help but to worry. jia smiled a little before she took her stuff "i have nothing else to tell you... everything is so clear but only you are blinded. i wish i could help you more but i have to go home sorry that we have to postpone our date to some other time" she took some steps backwards before turning fully and leave her standing.

'she used you'
'everyone can see but you'
'you're blinded'

everything was running on her mind like an endless marathon, she felt exhausted just by thinking about the possibilities of being played. she gathered her stuff and left immediately with tearful eyes, her heart was aching but crying after such a busy day was the last thing she wanted to go through.

maybe if she never considered having a friend, or to see herself deserving some good time none of these would have happened. like in her previous school. she was the outcast who distanced herself from everyone under her own choice indeed she unsuccessfully tried to fit in but never took it as far as this time. but then she had some other thoughts about Jia who could possibly be faking everything and playing with everyone else with her victim role. pretending to be good and spread bad words about others behind their back.

at that moment of truth, she realized something.

she had walked farther than the bus stop and instead of home her mind had other plans. whilst Taylor Swift was shouting her breakup song through her earphones she found herself standing in front of Professor Kim's home.

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