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It was a day like no other she spent. the anxiety didn't just radiate from the students taking their second test, but from her it peaked watching how the man she loved for so many years replaced her with someone new. not just any other person, but the top student of her class. it was a debatable question that rosed the day Jia told her about the bracelet. wether assuming she must have dropped it under his seat and it was coincidence for Mirae to find it, or it must have fell while they were having an intimate moment.

she was going crazy for two days. the answer was right there for the amount of time she has seen Jennie in his car, in his home, in his class alone after the school was over. the aquarium incident was once again urging her to conclude it all and admit they were in a some dangerous relationship. but she couldn't say that. she trusted taehyung to be a man who protected his honor. wasn't that why she admired him? she was asking herself 'how could he see his student in that way?'

as if it wasn't enough headaches and pain to endure she saw it again today. the same worrisome, the same love he had for Jennie that was different from the rest when Jennie passed out during the test and taehyung was first to hug her body and take her out without a second thought. it pained like a paper cutting her flesh so thin and stingy. in her eyes whenever she cried, in her feet whenever she walked a path of shards, it burned at her heart that she couldn't pull off. by what means she could be okay after a love so genuine and long lasting? she overheard him though, she for the first time felt that love from himself when he argued with Jennie in the nurse room.

"but i love you," he was telling her. but Mirae didn't stay to hear the rest. it was enough to make her lose faith, and oh how terrible she crumbled within that significant loss of hers.

she cried sitting on one of the benches in the music room. the school has ended awhile ago, yet she stayed there petrified while her feelings flowed. "i h-hate you" she directed her words at the image of him that her mind created. "i know it's my fault for loving you from the start, b-but i blame you" she held her sobs back from echoing in the arena squeezing the seat she was on.

staring down at Jennie's bracelet in disgust. she hated knowing them, she felt disgusted by ever remembering them. "go to hell," she yelled throwing it away to a corner and fell to her knees covering her face. her hair fell on her, dangling so beautifully now she hated every strand. he said he loved long haired girls now she was pulling at the ends in grudge.

"i did everything for you to look at me, to see me but you always overlooked that... what does she have that you like?" she was desperate to go back in time to the night she decided to drink. she shouldn't have been drunk, she shouldn't have found that bracelet at all.

"y-you disgust me" she muttered angrily and stood up "i can't believe i like a man like you" but he wasn't there to hear her...

"pathetic" but someone else was.

Mirae's eyes widened. she was quick to wipe her tears when asking "who is here?... for how long have you been here?" and slowly as she turned, her eyes were wandering for the person who was seated in the dark benches.

"hmm... long enough to know disliking you was one of the best things i did" and as the person stood Mirae walked back a little as she heard the steps getting louder and closer to where she stood.

"how dare you talk to me like that?" her eyebrows frowned and the anger rebuilt to what the minor admitted to, and Aeri came out rolling her eyes with a smirk "i wouldn't be here if i was scared, be smart for a bit."

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