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"i told you to behave!" when Hanna yelled adrenaline pumped in the younger's bloodstreams. her blood pressure surged and heart pulse rocketed. her body was signaled to take a step back from her mother out of defense to what she would do and how more she will hurt her. but in that split of a second animosity overran her mind to be angry and hide her vulnerability. to shout as loud as her for not giving Hanna rights to be angry.

"and i won't unless you understand me" Jennie's feelings erupted seeking revenge to hurt Hanna as hard as she was hurt herself. "i hate you" she stomped her foot before leaving her mother behind in shock. she never expected Jennie to snap like that, but now that she did Hanna's anger cooled and all that was left for her was regret of starting the fire.

Jennie walked through the hallways with mad steps, everyone around her were alarmed by her intimidating expression. her clenched fists and angry vein popping out her temple. no one dared to touch her because none could handle the poison she will erupt within, however the curiosity to know the type of hell she felt took over them after a hand lay over her shoulder.

"good morning-" but Aeri didn't continue when Jennie twisted her hand and turned with her white knuckles up ready to swipe her nose off her face. looking in the eyes of her terrified friend brought Jennie back to realise the hallway wasn't empty and now everyone feared her even more. including Aeri.

"ah!.. hi," she muttered gently before glaring at each of their surroundings forcing the students to mind their business; Aeri caressed her wrist where Jennie squeezed in defense and looked away dreadfully having no courage to speak.

Jennie saw her gulping hard and was quick to feel guilty about it, "I'm sorry for that! i wasn't- i was-.." she sighed unable to voice her feelings. Aeri chuckled delightfully "it's okay..." she reassured her, despite her heart not calming yet.

they walked together heading to their class and the way Aeri kept hesitating to talk annoyed the other "come on say it, i won't ever be angry at you" she wrapped her arm around the anxious girl's shoulders, Aeri smiled gazing into her eyes she could see the Jennie she knew was back... "happy birthday"

Jennie halted and so did Aeri after taking two more steps before turning, she knew she surprised Jennie just then by how wide her eyes were compared to a second before. "how did you-" "i accidentally overheard your conversation with your mother" Aeri bowed her head in shame.

not getting a reaction from Jennie, Aeri sighed and grabbed her shoulders comfortably "look!.. i don't know what happened but if only i knew i would have thrown a huge party for you" it made Jennie smile at the thought of it, but she shook her head "i hate parties, that's why i never mentioned it."

she walked and Aeri followed walking backwards "then why were you angry?.. did she forget?" she was a curious person and Jennie was used to her by that time. "she didn't forget, she just didn't think it was a big deal" and when Aeri stopped in shock Jennie continued to go inside their classroom.

"what a pity!" Aeri snorted rolling her eyes before catching up with her.

through the day everyone got to know it wasn't Jennie's best day. even her hair style was simple unlike before. she would doze off throughout her group's conversations and miss the fun whenever they take advantage of their usual victims. out of all the ways she expressed her sorrow, drifting away when the teachers teach was Taehyung's most hated thing.

"Ms.Kim!.. stay with us please" he held a stone face towards her but the irritation was growing in him. never he felt so done with something, she even made him want to postpone his lecture as it no longer felt needed.

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