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"yah! Jia where did you go?" she came out from the bathrooms looking at the empty hallway. Mirae told her that Jia was supposed to be there and when she didn't find her so soon Jennie felt guilty about not listening to her. 'i should've heard her!' she sighed and walked to a square board hanging almost in every corner that was a map of the arena with the name of the places for the visitors to find.

"oh! she might have gone there!" she curiously traced her fingers along the route that linked her spot to where the next restroom was, "it will be fun," she sheepishly smiled reading from the informations that the nearby room was where the Jellyfishes located, and as she started walking she grabbed her phone when receiving a new message.

|Professor Creep|
i know you're angry with me for something, but where did you go? are you lost? . 5m

|Professor Creep|
Mirae told me you were looking for your friend. come back here ASAP i will let someone else do it . now

at first there was this guiltiness she felt for avoiding him, just thinking how worried he is despite her disobedience to him, how caring he was now it never appeared to match a manipulative guy who was in a relationship for that long. but when he mentioned Mirae again, she only could hate him more than ever. "why her? why... why not me?" she found herself crying instantly.

she pressed her back to the glass-wall that separated her from the adorable turtles swimming around. ducking her head as she saw the drops falling to her feet "i should've known better..." she sniffled, "she is always there- on your mind- in your presence- i saw her kissing y-you... but why i'm so stubborn to believe-" and covered her face.

she grabbed her phone that opened to the abhorrence image that has been 'the best' proof for the students that liked to gossip. touching his face, she felt defeated, and just when she heard a giggle nearby she looked around. it was scary only when she didn't see the person, "J-Jia! is that you?" she slowly followed to where she felt her friend ran to and climbed a narrow stairway. regardless of the banner hanging on warning her and whoever was around that only the staff were allowed in, she didn't stop.

passing through the strait corridor that lead to a door with three steps stair and that was when she found herself in the open space of the vivarium's top where the jellyfishes swum below. she was mesmerized by its view that she slowly descended whilst the aquatic life was summoning her to jump in. she has totally forgotten about the person hiding just by where her hand held onto and little did she know they had no pure intentions.

"woah!... so refreshing," she thought the vibe was until a heavy pain struck the nape of her head and she found herself losing balance but no weight to stable her and she soon drowned in the salty water. she had no time to think how and why but the burning sensation on her arm and the dizziness that followed blackened her vision completely.

Taehyung, who was checking the names of his group, heard the hysterical scream of the student his eyes uncontrollably went to find her and just as they shared what caused that his heart dropped. the rest probably hasn't known it yet, but he recognized her strawberry cardigan she wore that day and couldn't help but to shout to her name.

"stay here," Mirae told the students before she ran after him along the two staff members. the shock lingered still that she didn't know why she was running until she saw the dread on his face when he stopped by the glass watching with the rest as her body sank in.

"which way leads in?!" taehyung yelled and followed one of the staff members to the stairs whilst Mirae stayed alongside Principal Kang who was about to faint due to high blood pressure.

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