Chapter 11 x

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Kian's P.O.V

"Mr Espinosa , Mr Lawley?" The doctor called. Me and matt shot up.

"Yes Doctor do u have any new's?" Matt asked

"Yes I do bad and good. Which one first" 

"Good" Me and Matt said at the same time.

"Okay well the good new's is that Tara is okay and her head is fine but the bad news is that she's in a coma. We don't exactly know how long she will be in it for. It could be minutes , hour's , day's , week's , month's even years were not sure. Their is also more bad news do u want to hear it?" 

"Yes" I said

"When Tara wakes up she will have amnesia only for a few hour's though so it won't be that bad. She will remember everyone and everything in a few hours after she wake's up. That's all the new's we have at the moment but we will keep you two updated. You can both go back to the waiting room. You will be allowed go into Tara in a few hours after were done running test's" 

"Okay thank's doctor" I said. I can't believe my little girl is in a coma. She's only here 2 months and she nearly died. Wait I never asked Matt how she fainted and hit her head. I'll ask him.

"Matt can I talk to you for a minute alone"

"Sure dude what's up"

"How did Tara faint?"

"Are u sure you really wan't to know?"

"Yeah im sure. Spill the bean's"

"Well how do i start? Okay well Tara was cutting herself. I think Hayes said somhing to her and she ran to the drugstore ( chemest ) and ran back. She had a bag in her hand i didn't know what it was so I left her alone but she bought blades. She ran straight to the bathroom and locked herself in. I thought she was just going to pee but she was in there ages so I decided to check on her. I called her seviral time's and she didn't respond. I started getting really scared. I called her again but she didn't awnser then I heard somthing bang and fall. I though it was her so I banged on the door and she didn't awnser. So I called Hayes and Crawaford and Crawford said he was going to break down the door. So we broke down the door. When it broke i felt so hopeless. Tara was lying on the floor with blood everywhere and blades all over the floor. Her head was bleading really bad. I started crying. Hayes ran to get towels. When he came back crawford wrapped up her wrist's and carred her bridal style to the car. And then we brought her to the hospital. Thats about it." 

By the time Matt finished I was crying really bad I couldn't stop.

*4 month's later ( Sorry im skipping so much )* 

Hayes P.O.V.

Tara is still in the hospital. I miss her like crazy. Me and Kian barley ever leave the hospital. I just wish she would come back. I know she cant hear me but I still hold her hand and talk to her.

"Hey Tara we still miss you like crazy. I know your body is lifeless but please please come back we love you so much please.

Tara's P.O.V.

What the fuck I can't move or see what happened? Am i dead? I heard someone talk to me and is holding my hand. I don't know who it is I cant remember.I decided to try squeeze his hand because he was holding myne. I can't even move my finger. I tryed and tryed until I finally moved my thumb. I think he felt it because he left go of my hand and ran out the door. Wait i'll try open my eyes


A man i think is the doctor walked in with a boy that looked my age.

"Tara your awake! Im your doctor can you remember anything?" 

"No" That boy started crying. What do I do?

Hey! Its Roisin. okay bye sausage's love ye! xxxx

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