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*WARNING upsetting subjects in this  imagine*

This is my first day at my new job, hopefully things go well and I don't get into any fights. I remember in my last job some of my co workers didn't get along with me and mostly everyday they would find something to argue about and this one co worker pushed to far so one thing led to another and we got into a fight. Yet I was the one who got fired when she was the one who started it.

There's just me in the L/n(Last Name) house hold, all my family have unfortunately passed away or got into accidents. My mum and dad died in a car accident it didn't help that my mum had cancer and my dad had kidney problems. My little sister passed away from fatal injuries in a car accident and my grandparents, Nan and Grandad passed away of breathing difficulty problems, and my Grandma and Grandpa passed away from old age. Most of my life I messed about I never really took life seriously my parents were always telling me how smart I was and what good I can do with helping people. So since I passed my exams I decided to take their advice I had no idea what I wanted to do so I asked my professor he said something that might give me a challenge is to look into Forensics. He said he had a few friends who work as Crime Scene Investigators and would speak to one of them for me. He offered me a ride down town to the work place so I could meet some of the people I thought I might as well give it a shot make my parents proud in some way.

As we get to the building I heard my professors phone ring, I get out the car to give him some privacy but to also take in my surroundings, I knew what these guys did because of the brief conversation with my professor about the job, I must admit it caught my attention, I mean I love puzzles but I would also like to bring closure to families, catch the bad guys.
The car window rolls down which grabs my attention back to my professor "Sorry kid I can't go in with you, somethings come up at the school." I chuckle a bit "It's ok, who I should I ask for." My professor takes his sunglasses of "Ask for, Warrick, or Catherine, they'll show you around unless there busy on a case, who knows maybe you can help them." I sigh getting annoyed at the fact he keeps bringing it up. "It's true your really good at that sort of stuff. As I remember correctly you nailed Zoology, Marine biology, Economics, Anthropology and Dermatology courses and it only took you 2 and a half years getting the best grades anyone else could get." I walk away shaking my head and head toward the tall building in front of me.

As I walk in the building I see a lot of people rushing around like headless chickens, a lot of the people there were carrying around paperwork in their hands, or bags that hold evidence. As I make my way through the halls I bump into someone knocking everything out of their hands "Oh, I'm so sorry." I lean down and start to pick everything up with her "Its ok, I weren't looking where I was going either." I chuckle a bit we both stand up "Looks like we're both clumsy cluts then." we both start to chuckle again "Yeah I guess we are, I'm sorry I've never seen you around before are you new?" I give the woman back her paperwork "Yeah, but I'm not on the job I'm just spectating what you guys do maybe as a future job." I give the woman a polite smile and put my hand out for her to shake it "I'm Y/n by the way." the woman gives me a polite smile back and shakes my hand "Well, it's nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Catherine if you need any help just ask around for me, or just take a ponder and you'll properly find me as well as my other co workers." I looked at her shocked letting go of her hand "What's the matter?" I smile at her and chuckle a bit "Sorry, it's just my professor knows you and well it's just a bit of a coincidence that we both bumped into each other." Catherine smiles at me "Let me guess P/N(Professors Name.)" I give Catherine a small smirk "Yeahhh"

"Anyway, I would love to give you a tour Y/n but I'm on a really important case at the moment, you should go meet my other co workers, in the mean time I'll talk to you later in the break room, down the corridor to your left." I smirk at Catherine not knowing how she knows I was about the ask her where the break room was. I head down the corridor and turn left to the break room  through the glass I see that there are two people, one person sat at the table and another person standing near the coffee machine I walk into the room knocking on the door. I heard a soft voice saying "Come in" as I enter all eyes were on me "Can we help you?" the other voice spoke up with brown frizzy hair "I was told by Catherine to come and introduce myself." you saw that they both gave each other a confused look at how you know Catherine but as to what you were doing here, "I may be a new co worker here, I was just spectating what you do and meeting the people I may be working with, I also bumped into Catherine before literally."

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