Grissom x reader

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*Imagine Grissom stressing out over a case and he takes his frustration out on the team but mostly you*

As I'm walking down the corridor just minding my own business I hear two bickering voices who I know all to well Catherine and Grissom, suddenly the bickering stops then the next minute I know I see Catherine steaming out of the room which they were bickering in taking her anger out on who ever her eyes land on I follow her saying her name but she seems to be ignoring me so I shout it this time "CATHERINE " I stop as she turns around hot on heals and walks straight towards me, I know I was definitely going to be one of the people she loses it with she puts her hands on her hips cockily, "Yes" I raise one eye brown giving her the look of who do you think your talking to. I see that we're standing right next to the break room no one was in there so I guided her into there "What is going on with you?" raising my eyebrow once more "Nothin, it's nothin"

"Really, because that bickering didn't sound like nothing."

"Ok, ok fine Grissom is just being really annoying, he's stressing out over a case, so he stressing everyone else out." I give her a quick nod understanding her situation.

"Look, I've already found some more evidence, linking it to the baby, I was just going to come and find you and tell you what I found." I see her smile in relief.

"Well at least you've got something, Grissom is probably going to be looking for yo..u, he's coming and he doesn't look pleased." I turned around looking at his facial expressions and she's right I turn back around to Catherine taking a big deep breath "Ok you go I'll deal with him." she gives me a quick nod hot on heals. Just as soon as she left I bolted for it to the lab Grissom was hot on my tail "Y/N" I hear him shout a few times ignoring him just like Catherine did to me I stopped at the front of the lab I feel him grab my arm softly turning me to face him. "Y/n, I need everyone on this case and you having little chit chats about something which isn't important, makes me think your not doing your job." I sigh quite loudly then rub my eye in frustration. "Grissom you have to understand, that you getting frustrated doesn't help the team, you rushing people doesn't help the team, I know it's a baby, I know it's out there vulnerable, but you always say to us no emotions on any types of cases." Grissom stays silent for a minute "Well I changed my mind, you have a job to do." He try's walking away I quickly step in front of him stopping him from going anywhere "Y/n move, this is a baby's life on the line, every second counts." He try's pushing me out the way "Look just take a deep breath, that's all I'm asking." He takes a big breath in then out then looks at me unsatisfied "Y/N, I'm starting to think, you don't care about this job." I sigh the give him a look of confusion "I do, Grissom, I do care about this job and giving family's a bit of closure." Grissom takes a step back "You know what, your wasting my time, and this family's, your off the case." I scoff "You know what." I throw my hands up in the air "I'm not even going to argue with you, come find me when you grow up." I walk to the lab I pick up the evidence I found I walk up to Greg and give him the evidence that I found as I turn away Greg grabs my arm "Y/n, you ok." I give him a nod "Grissom, has took me off the case." He gave me a confused look as to which case I was talking about "The missing baby case." He gave me a look of apology I take off my lab coat and hang it up I head towards the locker room and grab my jacket. I was about to leave Greg walks up to me and pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear "It'll be alright, I promise." I nod my head slowly and walk away.

As I'm heading out I walk past Nick and Warrick they both notice that I wasn't my bubbly self they both ask if I'm ok I just give a quick head nod then quickly spoke up and said "Oh just to let you both know Grissom is rushing everyone about, oh and he also thinks I don't care about my job, he thinks I was just messing about waisting his and the family's time so he took me off the case, good luck both of you." I nod my head walking away from both of them.

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