Grissom x reader

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*Imagine working late and it's just you and Grissom working on different cases*

As I'm walking down the empty halls I start to hear a small hum coming from a particular person who I know all to well, Grissom hums when he's trying to concentrate, I head into the break room to pour myself some of my favourite tea it helps me concentrate and it also relaxes me when I stress out, I knew Grissom was staying late so I thought I might as well pour him a cup of tea as well. I finish up the cups of tea, where I was standing I could see if he was in his office or not, he was, so I wait for him to leave, so I could put the cup of tea down and write a quick note saying Hope you enjoy, it's still hot, plus it's your favourite. As he leaves I speed walk into his office putting down the cup of tea and wrote up the note, I walk out of his office smiling to myself knowing I just probably made his night.

I head back to my office putting my tea on the table and pickup the file on the case I had, I knew I was probably going to have to pull an all nighter to figure this case out, I must admit I was completely drained physically and mentally, Greg had been working me hard recently, only because we keep getting back logged, and since I'm the quickest and most reliable scientists on the team I get most of cases apart from Greg of course, he's second best. I start reading the case again, the suspects and victims then realised Greg didn't put the test sheet in the file of what the victims were drugged with, so I got up had a small sip of my tea and realised I didn't put sugar in my tea so first stop break room then head to the lab, I did like my office because it was quite where it is but the walk is very annoying and plus I have to walk pass Grissoms office to get to the lab. I speed walked into the break room quickly grabbed some sugar putting them in my pocket then after fiddling with opening my pocket for 5 minutes I looked up looking straight at Grissoms office noticing he wasn't back yet, so I take the chance to walk slowly because honestly I don't have the energy to avoid him, not that I don't like Grissom it's just he makes me feel different from the rest of the team, honestly he has no idea what he does to me.

I walk down to the lab to get the test sheets, whilst I'm there I do another test run on the samples Nick got for me before since Greg forgot to do it, I put the samples in the machine and press a few buttons then I take a seat and wait for the results to come back, I rest my head on the table as I start to drift of to sleep, the machine beeped waking me up.
I yawn making me take the result sheet slowly, I get up and walk down the hall to my office as I pass the break room and Grissoms office I notice Grissom smiling at my note, I carry on walking smiling to myself, being proud of my achievement. As I get to my office I spread all the evidence out and files to see what I'm working with, the case I got was a homicide, a school principal, the woman says she hit the guy on the back on the head for self defence, "I have been over this like a dozen times, there has to be something that's missing, I knew the victim had been drugged but the drug that they used must have taken up to 5 minutes to properly work and kick into their system and it's not like I can interrogate the woman because it's 1 o'clock in the morning." I whispered angrily under my breath. "The woman must of had help, someone must had been standing over him whilst the other person held the guy down, but yet again I don't know where Nick put the laser scanner photo as to where the blood was in the room." I proceeded to whisper angrily, I start to pack everything away as I'm losing my mind, I finish off my cup of tea and put my cup in the bin, I put my phone in my pocket realised that I didn't put my sugar in my tea I take a big deep breath and grabbed a blanket, took of my shoes and lay down on my couch and at least tried to get 10 minutes shut eye. I must admit laying down on my coach was not as comfy as sitting on it, I get up taking my blanket with me and go to the only place I know that has a comfy couch even when laying down Grissoms office, I only know this because normally when I'm stuck on a case or getting a telling off I have to sit in his office. But first I take a pit stop to the break room, one to see if Grissom was there and two to grab something to eat. I take a look to see if there was anything to eat and there was absolutely nothing. I take a quick look to see if Grissom was there, he wasn't so I sprint for it and have a quick look to see how his case was coming along, by the looks of it he had hit the same brick wall I had. I lay down of his couch and get comfy as I'm just drifting off, I hear someone walk in, I aldready knew who it was because nobody normally comes into his office and plus we were the only people here especially at this hour, I open my eyes slowly as I see him a massive grin appears on my face, he walks closer and gets down on one knee and starts stroking my hair he then tucks the blanket around my feet and back making sure I'm comfy. He leans down to my forehead and gives me a quick kiss whispering "Goodnight sweet dreams love."

-1 hour later-

I heard a big band, I quickly sat up, I rubbed my eyes noticing Grissom wasn't here, I look at the clock noticing that it's 2 o'clock in the morning. My stomach growled loudly and then my head started to pound, I had a massive headache from all the stress recently, all I really wanted at that point in time was food, medicine and a big long hug.
I knew Grissom was probably going to come and check up on me after that big band to make sure I didn't wake up, I hear foot steps coming closer and closer to the room, I lay back down and pretend to be asleep just so he didn't feel bad for waking me up, he came up to me and started to stroke my hair like he did before, I pretended to stir and wake up with a smile.

"Sorry, did I wake you dear?" he said in a soft relaxing voice, I shake my head slightly.

"No" I sit up a bit squinting my eyes and putting one arm over my stomach feeling sick and dizzy. As I sat up Grissom sat on the coach with me, he looks at me noticing that I'm not really feeling well he pats his lap enquiring for me sit there, I scoot over a bit and when I'm close enough to him he picks me up and lifts me onto his lap, he grabs the blanket and covers me making sure I stay warm, I rest my head onto his chest hearing his heart beat, making me cheer up a bit.

My stomach rumbles once more and I smile innocently I hear Grissom chuckle softly, "Are you getting hungry dear?" He kisses my forehead pulling me in tighter I just hum and nod my head slowly not wanting to move. "How about I take you back to my place, order some food, and just chill." I sit there and just smile like crazy, then my headache starts getting stronger, I moan a bit in pain Grissom noticed "Come on how about we get you home, and get this pain sorted." He starts to kiss my forehead softly multiple times "Are you trying to kiss the pain away?" I mumbled, I hear him chuckle I smile knowing that he figured out what I said. "Yes, is it working?" I smile coming up with a plan "Nooo" I moan "How about you tell me where your pain is." He softly whispers in my ear "My ear" he slowly stars kissing behind my ear sending a quick shiver down my spine "My neck" he slowly moves down to my neck I throw my head back in pleasure, also giving him further access, he spends about 10 minutes kissing my neck, no doubt I'll have Hickes there, I moan "My lips" he smirks knowing I was going to say it, his hand on the back of my neck travels to the back of my head bringing me face to face with him he slowly leans in and his and mine lips connect and slowly start to move in sync, I moan giving him permission to slide his tongue through, a few minutes later he pulls away and heads back to my neck giving me a few more Hickes, my stomach rumbles interrupting the moment I feel his smile on my neck appear. "Maybe all that energy is from before, you know when I was teasing you." I give him a quick smirk as he doesn't say anything for a minute.

"Come on, let's get some food." I slide of him moaning and stand up folding the blanket.

We go out to get some food then when we finished eating Grissom took me back to his place and since it was 3 o'clock in the morning, he wanted me to stay where it was warm so lent me one of his tops because I didn't have any clothes at his place, we both get into to bed cuddling and a few kisses now and then, we both ended up drifting off. Both of us headed into the work next morning smiling like crazy mostly me, when Grissom saw me smiling at him he would softly smile back.

*Hello, hope you enjoy* :)

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