patton stuff

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- he constantly seeks approval and recognition, mostly from logan since he tends to look up to him the most i think. i find myself constantly looking for the slightest bit of attention from people i look up to to feel good about myself, and i noticed patton exhibiting similar traits when it comes to impressing logan. i think ive been seeing it from a different perspective though, since i tend to project onto patton a lot.

- patton collects stuffed animals. generally i dont roll with the more childish headcanons for patton, since hes often dummed down to JUST those, but this one comes from me, too. he has trouble falling asleep knowing his favorite one is missing. same here.

- time for the guilty pleasure hc! by that i mean this one is ABSOLUTELY not canon and probably will never be. i think patton listens to a lot of harsh, loud, and explicit music. this comes from another coping mechanism i use for intrusive thoughts, being that i blast this sort of music louder than my thoughts. after the effects of DWIT, i think he also gets intrusive thoughts, and does the same thing to help. ps - listen to vylet pony

- hes a brony. my dad got sucked into mlp because i watched it so much, and i assume the same sort of thing happened to him. i think him and virgil watch it together. that said,

- he kins pinkie pie. ive found so many similarities between the two while rewatching mlp. they're both generally optimistic and emotional. they go out of their way to make their friends happy. i think they both have this sorta way of trying to pretend everything is okay but acting so unnaturally that it's almost painfully obvious that it isnt. and also i think patton wears a pinkie pie hoodie cause i want one and hes one of my main vent characterz lol

- hes pretty sad all the time, but its sorta this lingering sadness that takes some time to notice. it's easy to forget when hes constantly around people he loves.

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