Whenever Krist saw those specimens of a particular padilla, he would flee away before being demaciated For they kept bothering him to join them.
Since they did not stop bothering him to join them.
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You let out a tired sigh, really your parents are very upset, always pushing you to enter military school, or join the family business. You don't even go crazy into that gang business, you prefer something more relaxed, like being a graphic designer, that's if it's your style totally.
You just turned a deaf ear, tired of the same situation as always, they already started with their everyday speech, you don't get mortified anymore and you just pretend not to hear them. This clearly angers your parents
- Scoundrel brat you're even listening to me! - Your dad exclaimed with a hint of anger in his voice, then let out a sigh, knowing they wouldn't get anywhere, as always - You must make a decision, the business or the military college, you have 2 years to think it through.
You turned your eyes and arto of this scene.
- Finished? - You said with a stop of irritation embodied in your words - Well, I'm long, this shit has me arto.
You started going outside your father's office. Your dad started calling you, saying the argument wasn't over yet.
-Fuck old, I'm long - You pulled out your middle finger, as you let out a mocking laugh and finally left the place.
Your dad could only let out a sigh and started laughing - It reminds me of me as a young man.
You just left the house, not to say mansion, outside a young man was waiting for you next to your motorcycle.
-I'll go and draw some landscape, don't wait for me - You started the bike and left.
A small introduction, so that we can get into the story.
It really is difficult for me to write in English, plus I have to translate some words, and the translator is not sure.