𝟏.𝟏𝟎, 𝐜𝐨-𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Season 1, episode 10: co-captain

"Isn't he beautiful?"

ALLISON AND I walked into the school and through the large crowd of lacrosse players, both of us wanting to congratulate Jackson on the big win. Somehow, Allison and I dispersed from each other when I suddenly bumped into someone.

Turning around, I was met with his brown eyes. Before either one of us could say anything, a lacrosse player walked in-between us, glancing at me and him as the player repeated the word "state" over and over again.

"You were pretty awesome out there." I compliment, breaking the silence between us.

"Thanks. You, too." Scott replies, making me look at him in confusion. "I mean, that's not what I meant."

"No, no, I did some pretty awesome cheering. You can thank me." I agree.

"You did?" Scott asks.

I nod. "Totally. I went from, "Go, team, go", to "Defense, defense", without a breath. I brought my A-game."

Just then, the same lacrosse player from earlier comes in-between us again, but stays there, his back facing me as he continues chanting "state" over and over. I glance to my left, seeing dad and Allison standing there.

Leaving Scott with the lacrosse player, I walk towards them. Just before we go out the doors, I glance over my shoulder, meeting Scott's eyes one last time.


I continuously moved around in my bed, making my sheets move over the place. Eventually, I woke up from my weird dream...

About Scott.

My hand went to my neck, suddenly remembering my necklace wasn't there. Getting up and out of my bed, I walk over to my desk, looking through. Remembering I put it in a book, I grab that specific book, looking through the pages, but it still wasn't there.

I quickly put on a sweater, quietly walking down the stairs in hopes of not waking Allison and the others up. Silently, I found myself opening the door to the garage, walking towards Allison's car, checking the glovebox.

Just then, the garage door starts to open, making me furrow my brows in confusion and quickly and quietly close the door, leaning down in the driver's seat of the car.

"It hasn't been an issue since we lived here." I hear dad state as him and aunt Kate walk by the car.

"All I'm saying is that firing those things so close by is bound to draw some attention." Aunt Kate replies.

"These things have saved my life more than once, and I know how to be inconspicuous when I need to." Dad defends, holding something up before throwing it in the trash can.

"This coming from a man whose preferred weapon is a crossbow." Aunt Kate states. "You know these extra skills are something you could be teaching your daughters."

"Not yet." Dad says.

"Ever?" Aunt Kate questions.

"Not yet." Dad repeats more sternly.

I glance at dad, who was walking towards the door and into the house before glancing at aunt Kate, seeing her slowly glancing in my direction, causing me to lean back down a bit more.

"You coming?" Dad calls.

I see aunt Kate place something on the desk in the garage before following dad into the house. I watch as they go, closing the door behind them. Once it was closed, I hopped out of the car, quietly closing the driver's side door and walking towards the desk.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗, 𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗍𝗍 𝗆𝖼𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅Where stories live. Discover now