𝟐.𝟏𝟏, 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝

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season 2, episode 11: battlefield

"'Caught' came very close to kill

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"'Caught' came very close to kill. And that's not the way we do this."

IT WAS DARK out in the town full of supenatural, the occasional sound of twigs snapping all around in the woods as the crickets hid in the grass, chirping every few seconds. The sound of owls hooting could be heard as they hid in the trees, not even noticing what was going on below them on the ground in Beacon Hills, the lacrosse game going on at the high school and the hunters being seen outside in the woods as they searched for Derek Hale's pack full of werewolves.

ATV's could be seen driving through the woods, passing the many trees all around and breaking the leaves and sticks that could be seen on the ground, not giving a care as the tires drove right over them. On one ATV, one single hunter could be seen driving with another beside it, two people on it, one driving as one sat on the back.

And the other had a single person on the other side of the two people, helmets all on their heads, the glass part covering their eyes as they could see through the darkness. After getting up a hill, the three ATV's eventually came to a stop as their heads all moved around to look around the forest and for the werewolves they were searching for.

They lifted up the glass pieces of their helmets, revealing their eyes. Chris looked over at his daughters, who sat on an ATV together with Allison driving it and Y/n on the back. Listening to his instructions to play it again, Y/n presses the button on the remote she had, their ears listening to the sounds of werewolves howling in the distance. Chris gave signals to the one single hunter, watching as he went one way and him and his daughters went the other way, driving off.

As time passed, they had met back up with the hunter and soon found themselves in front of two familiar werewolves who had been hiding behind a tree together. Erica and Boyd looked up at the hunters with wide eyes, fear coursing through them that they had been caught after trying to hide.

Fortunately for them, the two werewolves were quick to run off before they could catch them, Erica's voice shouting for Boyd to follow as he had been behind her, the sound of the engine of the ATV's echoing through their ears. The werewolves were fast as they swerved through the trees, hoping to get away before they'd be caught.

Stopping right near some trees, Y/n was the first to get off the ATV while it was still moving a bit, her and Allison taking off their helmets as Y/n grabbed an arrow from her quiver on her back, placing it in her bow and aiming forward. The other hunters watched as the arrow was let go and soon lodging right into Erica's leg, causing the blonde to collapse to the ground.

The sound of Chris' voice could be heard as he shouted for his daughters to wait for him when Y/n ran forward, Allison following right behind her. Meanwhile, Boyd had stopped and turned around to grab Erica, but the girl shouted for him to stop and go before he got caught as well.

Very hesitantly, the werewolf turned around and ran off before Allison and Y/n caught him. Arrow still lodged into her leg, Erica turned back behind her, watching as Y/n walked out from the trees, grabbing another arrow before the weapon was being aimed at the blonde. Their eyes met, Erica's wide ones staring into Y/n's blank ones.

Y/n watched as the werewolf grabbed ahold of the arrow, pulling it out of her leg with a grunt before she let go of the arrow she currently had. However, a hand had grabbed it before it could hit Erica, revealing Boyd had came back. He wasn't gonna leave the girl who grew as his best friend behind.

His now glowing gold eyes met her e/c ones before an arrow suddenly lodged into his torso and Allison was walking out, arrow in her bow, revealing she had shot him. Y/n was next, lodging her arrow into his leg before Allison aimed one in his shoulder.

A sob could be heard from Erica as she watched with teary eyes, wishing she could do something but the pain in her leg forced her to stay there as many arrows continued nailing into her best friend's skin. However, Boyd didn't seem to be backing down as he let out a loud roar, his glowing gold eyes glaring at the Argent sisters, but the arrows continued coming.

"Stop!" Erica shouts.

However, the sisters didn't listen as they continued shooting their arrows, Erica's shouts still being heard as she pleaded for them to stop. Just as both went to shoot at Boyd again, a gunshot rang through the air, the bullet hitting both their bows, making them drop the weapons as they looked over, seeing their dad there. The sound of a growl escaping Boyd made the Argents look over, Chris aiming his gun as the girls got their knives, holding them up in case of anything.

Unfortunately, however, a grunt left Boyd as he collapsed to his knees, clutching the arrow that had nailed right into his chest, near his heart. After that, the werewolf was collapsing off his knees, lying on the ground below, his eyes closed as Erica soon followed. Leaving the other hunters to deal with the werewolves, the father and his daughters found themselves back at the ATV's as the sisters had grabbed their bows Chris had shot.

"You owe us new bows." Allison tells him.

"You two owe me an explanation." Chris fires back.

Y/n scoffs. "For what? We caught them. Us."

"'Caught' came very close to kill. And that's not the way we do this." Chris reminds.

"Maybe it's not the way you do it." Y/n replies. "I think my way worked out pretty well. What about you, Allison? Don't you agree?"

"Definitely." Allison agrees as she brings her phone to her ear, calling their grandfather. "Hey, Grandpa, it's me. We got our two runaways. Call us back."

"What?" Y/n snaps a bit when she noticed Chris staring at them.

Chris shrugs, looking at Allison. "It's just the first time I've heard either one of you call him that."

Nothing else is said between the three as the sisters share a glance, not noticing that Chris had still been staring at his daughters with a frown. They were completely different now after losing their mother. Y/n had been the most different, especially after what happened to her back at the station the other night. These weren't the same girls he knew and loved and raised.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗, 𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗍𝗍 𝗆𝖼𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅Where stories live. Discover now