The Boy and What Happened

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[Picture is , of course , Carl]

I can't even begin to remember the last time I saw a boy close to my age that wasn't my brother or sister . It actually made me quite happy to know that if I got down there in time , I'd have someone else to talk to and ya know ... do stuff with .

I don't mean stuff like sex and blowjobs , not like that would be a bad thing , but I'm talking about hunting and I would have a shower buddy or something if it came down to it .

Sure , I can go hunting with Hunter anytime but the last time I took her out to catch some Squirrels , a tree almost fell on her . Basically , I've made her avoid forests as best as I can .

The whole showering with this guy might sound weird to you . I don't mean we need to be naked together in the same stall checking out each other dicks , I mean we could go down together and watch out for each other without it being weird with the other being naked . Ya know ?

What's his best weapon ? What's his favorite color ? Honestly , all I cared about was getting down there and saving him .

I decided to let Hunter sleep while I went down to the street to save this boy . My plan was just to bring him back up to the scaffolding and wake her up when we got there .

I easily bypassed some biters near the back entrance and started to jog down to where I saw him .

But then I lost where I was and stood there dumbfounded . Listening to the sounds of biters , I was able to track him back down near a parking garage .

He screamed when he got knocked down by one , which I took out with an arrow easily before walking over to him and pushing it off with my boot 'T-thank you'

'Don't worry about it , yeah ?'

I extend my hand to help him up and when he's standing , he sighs 'I almost died , I've met an Australian ... My day just keeps getting better'

'You think so ?' I pick up his knife and hand it to him 'Your sarcasm is a trick right ?'

'N-no' He swallows loudly 'I'm actually ... I'm actually harmless'

'Then will you drop your weapons for me and turn around ?' I bite down on my lip ring

'Oh , you're a cop aren't you ?' He drops his pistol , knife , and 3 Molotovs on the ground in front of him before letting his back face me

'What happened to you ?' I ask , patting my hands down his body to check for danger . I also got a nice look at his butt , yet he doesn't have to know that

'I-i ... I was just told to go on a run and ran into some trouble ... then you' He chokes out

'What's your name , bud ?' I ask gently , handing him his gun back

'My name is Carl' He holds out his hand , smiling without showing his teeth 'Yours is ..?'

'My name is Layne' I smile back slightly and check through his bag

'I like it' He compliments 'It's pretty badass'

'You think so ?'

'Yeah' He nods 'I do think so'

I stand back up , shifting my my position 'Are you hungry , Carl ?'

'Yeah , actually' He rubs the back of his neck 'I haven't eaten since last night'

'Where the hell did you come from ?' I furrow my eyebrows

'U-up North ... I have- we have a-a camp'

'Who ?' I get a bit stern with him

'My group !' He speaks up , bottom lip beginning to quiver 'My group has a camp . Up North . It's a farm , and it's secluded'

My thumb swipe across his bottom lip 'That's all you had to say . Come with me and I'll get you some food'


He had some trouble climbing up the scaffolding , but he eventually got it 'Give me your hand'

He grabs onto my hand gently and allows me to pull him up . His hands were soft and warm . They were a bit dirty and bloody , but they were nice 'Thank you'

'Who's this ?' Hunter asks , slipping her jacket over her arms

'Carl' He speaks softly 'My name is Carl Grimes'

'I'm Hunter' She nods 'Last name is irrelevant in this situation'

'He's got something important to tell you' I smirk , pushing his back forward a bit 'Go on'

He stands there awkwardly , like he was about to cry 'I-I'm sorry , you're just a bit intimidating'

'Yeah , kind of' Hunter agrees , making me huff

'Explain it to her , bud' I try being nice

'Well ... My group found a secluded farm up north that isn't that far from here ... it's our camp at the moment'

Her eyes widen 'No way'

Carl nods and I kneel down next to Hunter 'Should we do it ?'

'...We might as well'

'It'll take like a day and a half ... and that's with the walkers' He explains

'Lets get you fed and I'll make up my mind' I huff , sitting down on the opposite side of Hunter before handing Carl some dried beef and a Gatorade

'So this is your camp ?'

'For now' I run a hand through my hand 'If you can even call it that'

'Oh ... okay' He mutters sadly 'I understand'

'How old are you ?' Hunter asks

'I'm only 15' He answers back respectfully . I know I'm legally an adult and all but laws don't really matter now ... I could totally bang him if I wanted

'Sexuality ?'

'Layne !' Hunter scolds

'What ? I just wanna know if he'll be checking me out or something !'

'...I'm gay but nobody at my camp knows except my best friend Clarissa' He blushes

'Okay' I mumble , playing with my lip ring 'Cool'

'You're okay with it ?' He asks

'I'm not that much of an asshole'

I see him smile before he blushes again and looks down at his lap


'Have you made up your mind ?' He asks

'About your camp ?'

'Yeah' He nods 'It actually is safe , Layne . I promise you'


'...Okay' I nod


Wow , bad wrists and I still couldn't stop writing xD

Thought this one was pretty good :)

Woo ! Nap time !

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