127 4 5

March 31, 2021
Los Angles, California

Vinnie and Gigi are cuddling on their bed together watching tv when vinnie gets a call from his manager

Vinnie: hey baby I'm gonna take this

Gigi: okay my love

vinnie got up and went into the bathroom and closed the door even though I could still hear him

Vinnie: hey what's up

Vinnie: how much

Vinnie: holy shit that's a lot

Vinnie: I know it is

Vinnie: yeah I'm in

Vinnie: yup I'm sure

Vinnie: alright talk to you soon bye

he opened the door back up and came back into bed and gave me a kiss

Gigi: what was that about

Vinnie: oh it was my manager and there is this tiktoker vs. youtuber fight going on in June and the people running it wanted to see if I wanted to be apart of it they are paying me a lot of money I mean a lot so I said yes

Gigi: wait your boxing

Vinnie: yes

Gigi: baby what if you get hurt you've never boxed before

Vinnie: baby don't worry my manager is gonna find me a good trainer and we are gonna win

he kissed me on the head

Gigi: who are you even fighting? do you know yet?

Vinnie: yeah I'm fighting deji

Gigi: who's that?

he showed me a picture of Deji

Gigi: baby he's so much bigger than you I mean I believe in you but I'm scared you gonna get hurt

Vinnie: baby that's what training's for I'll be fine I'll love that your concerned for me

he kissed me

Gigi: I just love you so much I can't have anything happen to you

Vinnie: I love you too and I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you

I snuggled into his side and we continued to watch tv and I played on my phone a little


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gigislaws someone help my boyfriend has to fight this dude

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