69 3 0

April 8, 2021
Seattle, Washington

Vinnie and Gigi flew to Seattle and are surprising their families cause they haven't been home in months. They are going to Vinnies house first and then to Gigis



we arrived at Vinnie's and rang the doorbell and Maria (Vinnies Mom) opened the door

Maria: what the hell are you guys doing here

she hugged Vinnie first

Gigi: we came to surprise you

she then went and hugged me

Maria: this is the best surprise ever

we walked into the kitchen and Reggie and Vinnie's dad Nate were sitting there

Reggie: what the

he hugged both of us

Vinnie: all G's idea

then Nate came over and gave us both a hug

Nate: I thought we weren't going to see you cause of your training Vinnie

Vinnie: took this weekend off

Maria: well I'm glad you did

Vinnie: me too

Nate: hey Vinnie come downstairs I wanna show you what Reggie and I have done since the last time you were home

Vinnie: alright babe are you gonna be okay

Gigi: duh go before I make you

Vinnie: okay okay

he went downstairs with Reggie and Nate and I stayed upstairs with Maria

Maria: so how have you been

Gigi: I've been alright

Maria: just alright what's wrong

Gigi: I don't know everything was fine till Vinnie got this fight thing it's just been really hard

Maria: what do you mean

Gigi: well I love Vinnie and I would never tell him to not do something but this deal has been hard on our relationship

Maria: do I need to knock some sense into Vinnie

I laughed

Gigi: no Vinnie hasn't done anything wrong I've the one whose been struggling well when Vinnie took the deal it was great I was excited for him and then I found out who he was fighting I was scared that he was gonna get hurt and we had an argument about it but it was nothing and I decided to trust that he was going to get a good trainer so that he can win and I believe he can win and I even went to the gym where he trains the other day to meet his trainers and watch him spar but when he was sparring he got hit and it knocked him down and I got scared again causing another fight

Maria: Gigi you're an amazing girlfriend did you know that you are doing nothing wrong you aren't telling Vinnie he can't do something you are just voicing your concerns and trust me I did too

Gigi: thank you M

I hugged her

Maria: but I get the feeling there is something else

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