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April 10, 2021
Los Angles, California

Vinnie and Gigi are back in LA and Vinnie is back to training, Kio is bringing Gigi and the rest of the group to the sway house for the first time because they are all just hanging out with no cameras and Kio wants them to meet all of his other friends, Vinnie might stop by later



Kio brought me and the rest of the group over to the sway house to meet the rest of the sway boys and just hang out but of course vin isn't here but he is coming a littler later cause his training started earlier this morning

Bryce: hey Gigi right we met on FaceTime

Gigi: oh yeah hey Bryce

he introduced me to all of his friends and I started talking to Jaden he was really sweet

Jaden: so where are your from

Gigi: Seattle

Jaden: thats dope are you on social

Gigi: privately yes but publicly no

Jaden: aw why

Gigi: oh I just like to keep things to myself

Jaden: well would you make a tiktok with me and post it on my account? i won't tag u or even follow u so no one will find u

Gigi: I don't know

Jaden: please

Gigi: fine I guess so


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jxdn: 🕺

jxdn.rockstarlove: who is she?

sway.231: they are all hanging out at sway today don't freak out she's probably just a friend

madslewis: ...
|jadensrocker: mads u have no right to comment this you and jaden broke up months ago

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the tiktok plus the comment Mads made had all made it onto tiktokinsiders and caused a lot of controversy

I was freaking out cause Jordan sent a link to and Instagram post which was about the video of me and Jaden


burnt chicken nuggies😿

looks like someone is in

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