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April 1, 2021
Los Angles, California

Vinnie is with Kio and Jordan at Bryces house he won't be home to later in the night. Gigi and the girls are having a girls day out now that they finished there classes that they take at UCLA and there jobs that they have.


I'm at Bryces house with Kio and Jordan. Noah, Blake, Griffin and Josh are here and we are doing something for Bryces vlog

Bryce: alright vinnie we are gonna go into the other room and tell the camera what we are doing and then we will tell you what we need you to do for this bit

Vinnie: why just me

I laughed

Bryce: the other boys have other parts in the vlog don't worry

Vinnie: oh ok

they went in the other room and to be honest i just want to go home and be with G but I love Bryce it's just I am just not feeling it today

Vinnie: you guys almost done

they came back out

Bryce: yeah we are done are you ready

Vinnie: I guess

I laughed

Bryce: alright put this blindfold on

Vinnie: oh shit what the fuck is about to happen

i put the blindfold on

Bryce: alright vinnie hold onto me

I did and he lead me somewhere

Bryce: sit down

I sat down

Vinnie: when can I take this blindfold off

Bryce: now

I take off the blindfold and see two strippers trying to grind on me and immediately cover my eyes with my hands and run out of the room

Bryce: what the fuck vinnie you didn't enjoy that

Vinnie: Bryce I gotta tell you something

Kio: what's with the strippers

Kio had been upstairs talking to Griffin

Bryce: we were pranking vinnie

Kio: oh shit vinnie tell him

Jordan: yeah dude you gotta

Bryce: tell me what

I looked at the cameraman

Vinnie: is the camera off

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