☞ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑠

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Diacritic marks - '' &  degrees sign    • Add " to upper right corner of a kana character that starts with consonant: k, s, t, h, f to make consonant voiced: か(kah), が(gah)        ○ Convert k to g        ○ Convert s to z        ○ Convert T to d   ...

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Diacritic marks - '' & degrees sign
• Add " to upper right corner of a kana character that starts with consonant: k, s, t, h, f to make consonant voiced: か(kah), が(gah)
○ Convert k to g
○ Convert s to z
○ Convert T to d
○ Convert h & f to b
○ じ & ぢ(di) both sound as ji (jee)
○ ず & づ (du) both sound as zu (zoo)
○ Sophia has never seen ぢ & has only seen づ in To be continued.

• Voiced sounds vibrate in the voice box g vs. K. (G is voiced. )

• Adding a small circle at top right corner or a kana starting with h or f, converts to p.
○ More for irregular words. (English words)

Complex Symbols:
• You can represent complex symbols with the sound quality of y by adding a small sized や、ゆ or よafter a syllable with a vowel i (ee)
• 50-75% smaller
○ ひゃく - hundred - Hyah-koo
○ シャツ - shirt - Shah-tsoo
○ しゅじゅつ - medical operation - Shoo-moo-tsoo
• Small つ isn't pronounced - represents a moment of pause found with double consonants. = same applies to katakana.
○ 切って - Mehta-teh
○ みっつ - Meet-tsoo
○ ソックス - Soho-koo-soo
• Long vowels are represented by an additional letter あ, い、う、え、or お in hiragana
• In Katakana, they use elongated -.
○ コーヒー  - Kohh-heee - Coffee

         ○ コーヒー     -     Kohh-heee      -     Coffee

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