Vocabulary Immersion*
아주 특이한 여행14|1|23
pg. 311. 예쁜 섬.
2. 그고은 경치가 아름답기로 유명하다.
3. 즐거운 시간을 보내다.
4. 여행자소표.
5. '자연'은 'Mother nature'을 의미하고, '자연과'는 'With nature'를 의미해요. 그리고, '과' 는 'department' 의미기도 한다. 그래서, 자연과: nature department, 그리고, with nature.
6. '육'은 6이고, 6월의 철자는 '유월' 이다.
7. 제 배낭은 어디에 있나요?
8. 벌써 짐 챙기니?4시밖에 안 됐는데.
9. 출발지에서 가깝다.
10. 도와 달라고 외치다.
11. 얼른 대답해라.
12. 서로 향해서 앉다
배는 바다를 향해 나아갔어.Answers:
1. Pretty Island.
2. The place is noted (celebrated) for its scenic beauty.
3. To enjoy (oneself), have fun.
4. A traveler's check.
5. '자연' means mother nature, and '자연과' means with mother nature. And '과' also means department. So, '자연과: nature department, and with nature.6. '육' is 6, and '6월' is spelled '유월.'
7. Where is my backpack?
8. Are you packing up already? It's only 4 o'clock.
9. Close to the starting point/point of departure.
10. To cry out/scream for help.11. Answer me right now/quickly/promptly.
12. To sit face to face with each other
The boat headed out to sea.*
pg. 32
101 Languages 👀
No Ficción* Not learning 101 Languages lol. Only 6 (for now) lol Korean Chinese Canto Japanese Spanish Thai - Mostly Korean and Chinese with some advanced Spanish ☞ Currently updating Korean regularly 😊 ~