Chapter 7:Princess Power!

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[the rain continues falling, with Lem walking down the sidewalk until he turned to see Chuck on Tv inside the window]
Chuck: [on TV] ...going on a journey.
Lem: Huh?
[they all look at Chuck on TV]
Chuck: Soon, we will crush the rebel alliance and control the galaxy.
[Everyone gasped]
[the soldiers and princesses all applaud for Chuck]
Chuck: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Pocahontas:Wow...he's such an actor.
[Chuck on TV] You are a rebel spy and a traitor to the Empire. Take her away.
Anna:Not if we have anything to do about that, you monster!
Lem: Skiff! [runs away]
Chuck: [on TV, putting sunglasses on] Hasta la vista, baby. You are terminated.
Professor Kipple: General, over there. Aren't those comic books?
General: Captain, get your men!
[Chuck and Eckle continue fighting, holding their brooms]
Vanellope:Your going down!
Chuck:Not if I use my hypnotic eyes on you!
[Lem suddenly burst into the room]
Anna:Lem what's wrong?
Lem: We gotta get outta here now!
Tiana:You know what that means c'mon girls!
Soldier: Move it! Move it! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Lem: Chuck, come on!
[they both go in the car]
Lem: [puts Eckle down] Sorry, pal. Too dangerous.
Eckle: But...
Lem: [to Eckle] Out!
[they drive backward]
Gullible Soldier 1: You there! Stop!
[they continue driving, then the soldier shoots at the car, then shooting at the sign, saying, "NO PARKING"]
Soldier: Don't lose him, sir!
[the soldier goes in the van, then they drive after Chuck and Lem]
Eckle: [looks at the van] Wow!
[they both continue driving down, looking at the soldiers, then shooting at the car]
Skiff: [to Rover] Don't you ever run off like that. What of they took you to the pound? How would I find you?
[the car passes by Rover and Skiff]
Skiff: Whoa! Lem? [watches the cars passing by] Oh, boy! [runs down]

[Rover throws the rock away, then they both run down, then they both stop, looking at the soldiers]Chuck: We'd better run![the tank was about to fire until the other princesses came out of nowhere,suddenly Ariel began to super sonic scream unexpec...

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[Rover throws the rock away, then they both run down, then they both stop, looking at the soldiers]
Chuck: We'd better run!
[the tank was about to fire until the other princesses came out of nowhere,suddenly Ariel began to super sonic scream unexpectedly when she screamed normally.All of the princesses were surprised as the soldiers covered their ears,most of them where blown into different areas]
Jasmine:What did you do?
Ariel:I don't know! I just screamed and then that happened!
Rapunzel:*gasp* of course!
Ariel:What is it?
Rapunzel:We've been in this place for so much time I think it's corrupting us and giving us all...Super Powers!
Princess:Super Powers?
[The soldiers all began to get up and tried to shoot at them including Chuck and Lem until Mulan screamed and put her hands up a magic force field surrounded them for protection as the soldiers kept shooting their bullets went in different directions away from the force field]
Chuck:How the heck are you doing that?!
Mulan:I don't know!
Ariel:Wait,I've got an idea! Mulan hold the force field a little longer then let go!
Mulan:But what if-
Lem:Do it! She knows what she's doing!
[Everyone else agreed with Lem as Mulan nodded her head and made the force field disappear as Ariel super sonic screamed at the soldiers until a few of the tanks flew away]
Chuck:Cmon let's go!
Lem:Girls meet us at the Planetarium we'll catch up!
Rapunzel:Good idea we'll split up,cmon let's go girls!
Anna:Elsa wait!
Elsa:I'll make an ice shield to buy you both time to escape!
Chuck:Thank's Elsa! Cmon Lem!
[Some of the Princesses even Vanellope discovered their own super powers:Rapunzel's could use her glowing hair as a lasso,Moana had water powers and could control them with her own hands,Pocahontas had powers to control the wind with the wave of her hands,Aurora can put her enemies to sleep if she uses her fiery hypnotic eyes,Tiana had plant growing powers,Anna has super speed,Mirada has archery and echolocation to detect who's near her,Jasmine has x-ray vision and telekinesis,Belle has indestructibility and intelligence ,Snow White has electric powers without shocking herself,And finally Vanellope has the power to glitch through solid objects.After a long battle the alien soldiers finally retreated.]
Vanellope:C'mon you guys! We gotta catch up to Chuck and Lem!
Rapunzel:let's go!
Mulan:I'm out of here!
Anna:Right behind you!
Lem: Let's move!
[they both run away, with the soldiers chasing at them]
Soldier: Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!
[they both look at the soldiers, then they sigh, then they gasp, looking at the aliens, pouring tea]
Chuck: Let the doctor handle this. [clears throat] Ladies, who wants to meet an astronaut?
[they all shriek, then they throw teacups at Chuck]
Chuck: Ow! Ladies! One at a time!
Lem: Chuck!
Chuck: [runs by Lem] I'm on Facebook!
Elsa:To the Planetarium everyone!
Chuck:Cmon let's go!
Pocahontas:Wait Chuck! Where are two going?
Chuck:Don't worry we'll rendezvous with you guys but for now, you gotta hide
Pocahontas:But what if...
Chuck:Hey, we'll be fine.I promise.
(Pocahontas puts her hands on Chuck's face then pulls him into a kiss)
Pocahontas:I've been wanting to do that since we first met.
(Chuck hugs Pocahontas)
Chuck:I promise I'll be alright.Now go.
[Chuck and Pocahontas go their separate ways]
Chuck: Quick, hotwire the car!
Lem: What? Hotwire the who?
Chuck: When are you green goobers gonna evolve? [sparks the car]
[they both continue driving, then the soldier puts Rover in a truck, then they close the door, closing the window, then Skiff runs down, the tank passes by the people, then Skiff continues running down]
Man: Attention, all personnel.
Eckle: What's the matter?
Skiff: [crying] Why did he do it? I was gonna teach him to beg and everything.
[the man moves Rover]
Professor Kipple: Amazing! The alien's brain is so powerful, it's controlling them even now. What is it telling you to do? [his glasses fall over]
Gullible Soldier 1: Um, I think I'm supposed to dig a hive for the alien queen.
Gullible Soldier 2: Yeah. I'm supposed to blow up things. I mean, unless you need help with the hive.
Gullible Soldier 1: Oh, no, I'm good.
Gullible Soldier 2: You sure?
Gullible Soldier 1: I'm good.
General: Never mind them, Professor. [goes inside] This thing has all the answers.
[Cinderella backs away]
General:Where's your master? TALK!

Cinderella:I don't have an alien master and I'm not a threat to anyone!
General:Do you have proof?
Cinderella:No but I-
General:All right then,Captain!
General:Within 12 hours this alien shall be put to death...

Planet 51:Disney Princess crossover #1Where stories live. Discover now