Deleted Scripts

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[These are my deleted FanFiction scripts]

(I decided to put in the Disney Princess from Wreck it Ralph for fun! So this is a different universe fanfic)
Vanellope von Schweetz was traveling through the internet as she stopped by the Oh My Disney area to have a sleepover with her Disney Princess friends
Vanellope:Hey guys!
All:Hi Vanellope!
Belle:It's so lovely to see you again princess Vanellope
Moana:Yeah we haven't heard from you in a while
Vanellope:I've been busy in Sugar Rush lately winning races-
Ariel:O M Gosh you guys!
Mulan:What's wrong wrong Ariel?
Belle:Is it another make up emergency?
Elsa:Are you sick?
Tiana:uh oh did Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee prank Cindy's stepsisters again?
Cinderella:*giggles* I hope
Ariel:No I've been doing some research in movies on the internet and found... an alien movie for children!
Vanellope:An alien movie for kids?Cool!
Snow White:what's this alien movie for children called?
Pocahontas:it's says..."Planet 51" that's a very creative name for a sci-fi kids movie
Cinderella:Ooh! Let's look at the characters!
Moana:Hmmm... how about this guy?
Pocahontas:His name is Chuck Baker he's... really handsome...
Rapunzel:Well what are we waiting for? Let's go exploring!
Merida:*Scottish* I agree,loads a fun!
Snow White:It wouldn't hurt to meet new people in new places
Jasmin:or to make even more friends!
Pocahontas:I say let's go to this movie and introduce ourselves
Aurora:Wait! How do we know if this place place is safe or dangerous?
Cinderella:We'll never know unless we go
Vanellope:Ok all in favor say I
Rapunzle:Then let's have some fun!
(As the princesses all began to get ready to travel inside the movie until Cinderella and Jasmine found some kind of mysterious button on the movie poster that they weren't sure of)
The button said PUSH in big glowing letters so the girls checked it out
Vanellope:Where did that giant button come from?
Moana:Well it does say "push" on it
Rapunzel:And the letters are glowing!
Tiana:Should we push it?
Ariel:Let's see what happens when we do
Anna:What's wrong?
Elsa:I can't find my other snowflake hair clip!
(Elsa looked everywhere for it until Anna noticed something on the back of Elsa's hair)
Anna:You mean this hair clip?
Elsa:Thank heaven I have you for a sister *hugs Anna*
Vanellope:Cmon ladies let's push this button on three!
All:One! Two! Three!
All the princesses push the button together and they all magically disappeared at the same time
They were still inside a portal that was sparkling pink all over until their dresses all began to change from comfy clothes to intergalactic outfits with cute space helmets
Mulan:where did these outfits come from?!
Elsa:I don't know!
Aurora:Maybe we're going planet that's big about fashion
Cinderella:I agree these suits are very stunning
Rapunzel:Best outfits ever!
Ariel:Even these boots match my hair!
(Everyone laughs)
Snow White:Look everyone we're headed straight for that planet!
(Everyone looked where Snow White pointed and gasped as they got into a huddle and never let each other go)
Cinderella:hold on to each other and don't let go!!
Ariel:I love you guys!!
Rapunzel:You've been great BPFF's!!!
(Until out of nowhere a pink spacecraft appeared like magic)
Vanellope:What are we waiting for let's get in!!
*As the girls got in one by one Mulan was the last to get in as she slammed the door and locked it as she made sure all her friends where inside safe and sound with her*
Mulan:Everyone get in a seatbelt this landing is gonna get bumpy!!
All:Got it!!
Belle:Hang on you guys!!
Before they knew it that landed with a big CRASH!!
Everyone groaned in pain and checked on each other until Cinderella heard a voice outside
Cinderella:Everyone shhhh.... what's that noise?
(The girls looked at each other and listened in silence as they heard helicopters and guns clicking then they heard a man's voice)

General:Have your men search the flying saucer
Captain:Yes sir! Move!
Snow White:*gasp* Oh no! They're going to hurt us!
Jasmine:What do we do now guys?
Ariel saw a back door in the spaceship
Ariel:Hey girls look a back door
Elsa:Perfect! Let's split up so that way we'll meet up later on
Belle:We can't split up we're BPFF's!
Aurora:Yeah we need each other..
Elsa:What I'm saying is if we stay together they'll lock us all up at the same time and there will be no escape or hope for us so we must split up
Anna:I agree with you big sis
Elsa:Alright Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, and Pocahontas go everyone else with me
Elsa:Cmon let's go before they open the door
(The girls all split up but then Cinderella suddenly stopped because she forgot her other comfy slipper as she went back to get it the door suddenly began to rattle luckily it was locked)
Cinderella:*gasp* oh no I'm gonna need some magic(waves magic wand)
(The door was rammed by the alien soldiers and as Cinderella turned around *slow motion hair flip* the soldiers dropped their guns looking at Cinderella's alien form)
Soldier #1:Captain! It's a false alarm sir!
Captain:What is it soldier?
Soldier#2:Come on out miss and meet our General
(As Cinderella stepped out of the ship everyone gasped at the sight of her even when a tall male Martian named General Grawl couldn't take his eyes off her through his dark shades.Grawl began to approach her and she was a little frightened at the General)
Cinderella:H-Hello I-I'm
(Cinderella tried to come up with some kind of name because she couldn't tell everyone who she really was , suddenly an alien girl named Neera stepped forward to Cinderella)
Neera:Is it true that your friends with the alien?
Cinderella:Huh? Oh no there was no alien and *gasp* Oh no!
Neera:What's wrong?
Cinderella:My friends! I completely forgot about them! They're...They're lost without me*sobs*
(Neera hugs Cinderella to comfort her while the General was concerned about her and began to feel quite sorry for her)
Cinderella:I have to find them!
General:Don't worry miss we'll find them...
Neera:In the meantime you can stay with me and my family
Cinderella smiled at Neera because of her kindness
Cinderella:Thank you
General:That's a brave young woman.Let her go ,and the rest of you go to your homes and wait for instructions!
(~Meanwhile with the other princesses)
Mulan:Wait! Where's Cindy?
Vanellope:They must've gotten to her!
Belle:What if we're too late?
Elsa:Let's find this Chuck Baker guy for help
Chuck:Did someone say a handsome astronaut's name?
All:Chuck Baker!
Chuck:Meet my friend Lem
Ariel:Awww what an adorable green goblin
Lem:uh what?
Tiana:I think that's- wait a minute Mulan pull up the character list again
(Mulan got the list of characters in the movie they're in and as they looked they found both Chuck and Lem's name)
Belle:That's definitely Chuck Baker
Elsa:And Lem!
Anna:Plus Ariel Lem is an alien
Lem:I'm not the alien he is
Anna:you are
Lem:no he is he-he came to my planet
Anna:Uh and alien planet ~hello!
Anna:not "hello" ~hello!
(Anna stares at Lem in confusion then stares at Chuck in confusion)
Chuck:Welcome to my world...uh? What exactly are your names?
Anna:How rude of us I'm Anna
Elsa:I'm her big sister Elsa
Snow White:I'm Snow White pleasure to meet you mr Baker
Moana:I'm Moana hi
Rapunzel:my name's Rapunzel
Aurora:I'm Sleeping Beauty but you call me by my real name Aurora
Belle:I'm Belle please to make your acquaintance sir
Jasmine:I'm Princess Jasmine
Mulan: Fa Mulan
Ariel:I'm Ariel
Vanellope:Vanellope von Schweetz
Merida:Merida love
Chuck:Wow you guys have beautiful names for beautiful women *winks,clicks tongue*
(All the girls giggle except Pocahontas who was blushing while staring at Chuck who was also staring at her)

Chuck:And who are you miss?
Mulan:Go on tell him your name
(Pocahontas tried so hard not to embarrass herself in front of Chuck because he was so handsome.She gulped hard as her heart raced like a hummingbird and her face was as red as Snow White's lips. Until finally she got the courage to speak up she took a deep breath and spoke quietly)
Chuck:what? What did you say?
Pocahontas:My name is Pocahontas
All the girls including Lem stared at each other in surprise
Chuck:I'm Captain Charles T. Baker but you can call me Chuck for short
(Pocahontas and Chuck began to stare at each other with blushy faces)
Ariel:By the way can you and Lem help us we lost our friend Cinderella
Moana:The General probably has her dissected by now!
(Belle and Aurora both faint at the same time because of what Moana had said)
Mulan:Not on our watch!
Lem:Don't worry we'll sneak into my house so that way General and his entire army can't see us.C'mon on let's go!
(~Meanwhile with Cinderella)
Neera's family where so happy having Cinderella as a member of their family.
Cinderella:I've never been around a real family before.
Neera's mom:Awwwww sweetie we'll always take of you, here have some tea.
Cinderella:thank you.
(Neera notices Cinderella frowning so she asks her)
Neera:Are you okay.'s just...I've never been around a real family before:
Neera:Yeah...I've always wanted a sister.
Cinderella:Well...I have two evil stepsisters but one of them turned good.
Neera:By the way what were your parents like.
(Cinderella stopped sipping her tea from her teacup and placed it down slowly with a sad face)
Cinderella:Well...they passed away when I was little...
Neera:*places hand on Cinderella's shoulder* I'm so sorry.
*knock at the door*
Cinderella:I'll get it.
(As Cinderella opened the door she almost screamed because the tall man standing in front of her was General Grawl, with Professor Kipple and a couple of his soldiers.Cinderella began to blush as she admired the very handsome General in front of her until Neera's parents walked to the front door)
Mother:Good Afternoon General what can we do for you?
General:Ma'am since everyone in town is now being quarantined we must use your home as our headquarters until further notice when the alien pilot has been captured.
Mother:That would be a great honor General sir.
Neera:But the alien could just be friendly.
Cinderella:She's right I've seen the alien and he's not what you think.
General:You dare raise your voice at me young lady?
Cinderella:N-No sir...I-I just thought-
Neera:She thought the aliens could...come in peace
General thinking:Hmmm...This young lady doesn't look like someone I've seen before...But how could someone as beautiful as her crash land on our planet in an alien ship? Who is she? Where did she come from?

Planet 51:Disney Princess crossover #1Where stories live. Discover now