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        I walk into the lunch room, feeling a bit uneasy because of the amount of kids bustling around and the slightly disturbing looking food on their plates. I look around to see if there are any vending machines around but fail to find any. Since it seems that one too many butterflies in my stomach were going to allow me to keep food down anyways.. I decided to help myself out and just play on my game boy in a bathroom stall for lunch. I take a quick surveying look around the lunch room one last time, happening to see that tall boy from this morning. He was with a blue.. haired boy and a couple of other people. Two of them looked like the kids that stood at the bus stop with me but I couldn't be for sure..

        I turn to exit the lunch room through the doors some students seemed to still coming in and out of but someone suddenly grabs my wrist from behind.

        "You can sit with me princess", I turned around quickly, slightly wincing from how tight his grip was. I saw that it was the blonde haired boy from earlier. Still not liking talking to people, and also just being able to tell that this is not someone I would ever wish to befriend, I laugh lightly and pull my wrist away from his grasp.

        "Um, sorry but.. I kinda don't want to." I look at him with my best straight face as possible before I turn around again to make my way through the lunch room doors, though I'm stopped again.

        "Don't walk away from me bitch-" he lifts up his arm, fisting the collar of my shirt, pulling me closer to his body. "You stole from me, remem-", he's then suddenly cut off and tripped from behind. I form a heavily confused look on my face as he lets go of my collar, stumbling backwards only to see the blonde now on the floor, struggling to breathe from the air just being knocked out of him. I look to see who the culprit was, who was now standing next to me.

        "You good?", it's the tall guy that I seem to keep running into, now lifting his hand up to observe my slightly pink wrist. I sigh from relief but pull my hand away from him, "Haa.. I'm fine..." I look over at travis struggling to get up, still eyeing me. "He's just your average.. dick" I scoff and look back at the guy in front of me.

        "Who are you calling a dick? You fucking f*g!!" the blonde yells. I turn to face him, slightly walking towards him preparing some sort of random comeback, but before I can I'm stopped. The brunette knees the blonde square in the jaw and lightly hisses,"Eat shit Phelps." Is that his name? Phelps? No wonder this guy has anger issues..

        I look over to the brunette, then back at the now discolored blonde and decide this was a bit too odd for me to handle for just my first day. I bring my hand up to my head and very softly salute to the brunette in front of me and quickly turn around trying to finally escape this dreadful lunch room. But of course why would anything go my way.

        "Sit with me.." I hear the brunette mumble. I turn to face him one last time and struggle to form a sentence so I just say the first thing that comes to mind.. "Why." I say, a little bit too loudly, causing a few out standers to look over. He laughs a bit under his breathe and shrugs, "Because I want you to sit with me....." He says with a completely straight face.. I would die if I were in his position. But the way he ended his sentence was a bit off, like he was confused.. though it eventually clicked. "Oh, ah.. (Y/N).. is my name.."

        He smiles, showing some teeth and walks over to me grabbing my hand.. pulling me along with him towards his lunch table. I stumble a little but catch myself from completely falling and embarrassing myself. We had finally gotten to his lunch table and all of the kids were already looking at us.. me.

        I look over at the brunette as he sits back down next to a girl with pretty green eyes, maybe they're dating? Though that wouldn't make sense as to why he's acting so.. friendly towards me, but maybe he's just extroverted.. I snap out of my thoughts and look around the table. A short chubby boy sitting next to another girl on the opposite side of the table.. a ginger with glasses, and then the strange blue haired boy with a mask sitting across from the guy who dragged me over here.

it unfolds -- larry/reader - sal/readerWhere stories live. Discover now