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   -4 day time jump-

         *Rinngg..... Rinngg..... Rinngg* I whip my head to see my home phone buzzing against the wall, the wire attaching it to the electricity gently fidgeting. "Geez, scared the fucking crap out of me." I mumble under my breath as I put my gameboy down to pick up the phone, walking from the comfort of the couch towards the kitchen.

         I pick up the black phone off of it's resting place on the wall. "Hello?" I look out the kitchen window waiting for someone to speak back to me, facing towards the apartments, pitch black covering the sky.

         "Hey pretty, you wanna have some fun tonight?" I hear Larry say over the phone, I laugh under my breath and twist the phone cord in my fingers.. "Do you always talk to girls like this? Cuz it's pretty creepy." I hear a sudden crash from over the phone, then someone else in the background.. nagging Larry it seems.."Ugh, fine fine.. first of all, yes I do talk to girls like this. And guess what sweetheart? It always works.. Second of all.. Salll really wants you to come over to my place right now.. wanna come?" Larry says, slightly muffled. A smile erupts on my face seeing that all I had planned for the night was maybe study for a test, play on my gameboy, or watch the ever so bland news. "Oh!" I catch myself from continuing, probably overexcited.. "Oh.. yea sure I'll be over in a sec." I cut the call before he can respond, running to my room to change clothes.

           Ahh.. It's Saturday night and I've been practically waiting around for Larry or Sal to call me.. Sounds pathetic, but yesterday at the end of school I gave them my home number but didn't get theirs'. I'm not sure what's driving me quite yet but it feels very freeing to finally have friends, even if they happen to think they are the new teenage ghostbusters... On Thursday we had this somewhat.. deep talk about whether I believed in ghosts or not. I just told them if they happened to be real I wouldn't be surprised, but at the moment I've never come in contact with the supernatural so I couldn't be so sure, they sort of just thought about it and changed the subject.. I'm pretty sure they really believe in that kind of stuff though..

        I jump around my bedroom attempting to put on my converse.. and brushing through my hair with my fingers. When I'm suddenly blinded by a bright light shining in through my window. I freeze for a moment, wondering who could possibly be out around my house at nine pm..

        I gently lean against my window sill with my hand covering my eyes to block out the bright light, seeing what looks like Sal and Larry holding up a flashlight... making snowballs?

        I jump back when I see a snowball fly directly at my face, hitting the window and dispersing back into small pieces of snow. I frown from how unconventional the two are and run to my front door to stop them from causing any more potential damage.

        I curse under my breath and unlock my door, immediately yelling at them from my front porch, "Hey idiots!! I don't care how much you vandalize the apartments but my house is off limits!!"  Larry and Sal hear me and start jogging over towards me, "Shit (Y/N), you just ended the call like that? We thought you might have passed out or something.." Sal says, his breath visibly disintegrating in the cold air, as they finally made their way to me. I can't help but feel that they went about the wrong way to try to "check on me". "So you guys thought I passed out.. and decided to check on me by throwing snowballs at my bedroom window?" Sal and Larry look at each other and smile, still leaving me a bit lost. "Well when we were walking over here we saw you turn on your light.. and then you started jumping around your room-" Sal cut Larry off and finished his statement, "-that's when we realized you probably weren't passed out"

it unfolds -- larry/reader - sal/readerWhere stories live. Discover now