Chapter 2

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A/N: Soooo I got board so I wrote another chapter but I hope this ones good this books gonna take things kinda slowly at first and I have not figured out exactly what the timeline will be around the plot but lets get on with the chapter. Just a reminder I don't own Anne with an E.

Camille P.O.V

Camille stepped out of the carriage and looked around, it was absolutely stunning. The homes were small hut like building and the shops were just little stands set up outside but Camille loved it. Taking in her first breathe of the new air was wonderful it felt so fresh. The air smelt of flour, grass, and fresh baked bread. Even though the streets were tiny they were full of people bustling around to go into Charlottetown, prepping food, and even children running up and down the streets, Camille smiled because this already felt like home. She helped her family unload the carriage and started to adjust her sister into the new home when her mother pulled her aside ''Milli' Camille smiled at her mothers nickname for her ''Oui mama?'' she asked confused (Yes mama?)''I sewed a new dress for you cherie for your first day of work'' she rummaged through your packed things until she found a package wrapped in a light blanket she unfolded the blanket and gasped truly amazed at her mothers work. The dress was long with a cream top and pale blue skirt and a beige apron. ''Are you sure this wont be too much mama?'' so wondered not concerned though it was her father who peeked in to respond ''Of course not cherie the Barry's are a good family and they will need you to look presentable now hurry along and get ready I will walk you over soon as I need to hand in the papers to enroll this little rascal'' he gestured behind him at Noelle ''in school'' she chuckled at his joke as her mother ushered her away to get ready. When she was all ready her parents thought she looked way to grown up for a 15 year with her dress and corset and her hair tucked back in a intricate braided bun. Her father held out his hand and they walked out of there new home. As they walked they attracted lots of stares with the young girl looking so done up and she started to fret again that she would be to done up to be a simple worker but as they approached the large house her fears dissolved and she began to feel under dressed. Camille's father left her at the gates of the home to head of to the town hall. As she approached the gates they began to open and she hesitantly stepped through and continued down the long pathway leading up to the house. Finally she came up to the door straightened her posture and knocked on the large wooden door. The women who opened the door had her hair up in a similar way to Camille's but less french ''Who are you?'' the women asked rather stiffly ''My name is Camille ma'am Camille Laurent mon papa arranged a job for me here?'' at this the women softened  ''Oh come in I am Mrs.Barry I'll show you your quarters and bring you up to my elder daughters room my husband is out now with my youngest but you'll be seeing mosly my elder daughter anyways as you'll be her private maid of course you room will be right across the hall from hers but if you prefer to go home come nightfall that is fine too if you need anything there are other maids that you can find assistance from, got it?'' Mrs.Barry wasn't unkind but she was also harsh as she finished talking they arrived up at her daughters room''Oui ma'am  ça a l'air bien merci'' (Yes ma'am that seems good thank you) as Camille was about to apologize for slipping into french Mrs.Barry smiled ''My daughter knows fluent french so if you wish to speak with her in french I will more than happy'' and then she briskly walked away leaving Camille standing in front of a closed white door, Polity she raised her fist and knocked on the door and girl with dark hair and a mid length blue dress with puff sleeves opened the door and Camille stepped inside the room.

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