The Refreshment Table

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Rainbow Dash panicked at this. She knows where this is heading. "Hey let's go to the Refreshment Table" The table was full of drinks apple cider (courtesy of Sweet Apple Acres) punch, water, pop, and beer RD took a cider, and Fluttershy had punch. "I know what you're going to say but I'm not in the mood for The Hunt tonight" The Hunt is what mares and stallions say for finding a date especially stallions. Rainbow Dash uses the term more than any mare Fluttershy knows

"Perhaps you could use a Wingmare" Said Fluttershy. "Hah ah hah I'm sorry but you a Wingmare and my Wingmare" "I could so be your Wingmare" "Alright how about you convince uh" she locked around the room her eyes landed on Spike. "Spike convince Spike to go out with me" "What why?" "It's for practice. If you can convince him to go on a date with me you can be my Wingmare" "Not good enough" "You want an extra incentive alright I'll sweeten the pot how about this if you can convince him to go on a date with me I'll a clean your house" 

"Ok" They went over to Twilight and to Spike. "Hey Twi, hey Spike" Rainbow  Dash said nervously. "Hey" they responded back "Hey uh Twi can I talk to you for a sec?" "Sure Rainbow" They went off and left Fluttershy and Spike alone. "Hey Spike how have you been?" "Good It's nice not to be doing so much work even more" "I bet ah Spike can I tell you something" "Oh sure what is it?" "Well, Rainbow Dash likes you" "Uh what do you mean?" "Well for a while now she's had a thing for you" "Realy Why wouldn't she tell me?" "She's afraid to tell you afraid your reject her" 

"What she's awesome, cool, smart, funny and Beautiful too what male wouldn't want her I wouldn't turn her down. I've always had a thing for Rarity but I also like her and you and  Pinkie and Applejack too. do like me?" "No" "Okey we can stay friends then that's cool but RD Likes me. You know she also has one awesome ass too" "When they come back how about you ask her out" "Really you think so?" "Yes, she loves it when a male makes the first move be her date for the rest of the night" "Yeah I'll do it" "Oh but one thing before they come back do I have an awsome ass" "Yes you do" 

She waved to RD and Twilight. They came back to them. "Uh, Twilight can I talk to you for a second?" Fluttershy asked "Sure" They left leaving RD and Spike alone. "Uh, Rainbow Dash can I ask you something?" "Sure Spike what is it?" "I uh noticed that you don't have a plus one tonight" Dan it I'm going to have to clean Fluttershys House. She thought. "So I uh I can be your plus one tonight" "Spike are you asking me out like on a date?" "Yeah, I guess so" Darn that mare is good. She thought again 

"Uh Spike, how do I put this Fluttershy wants to be my Wingmare I told her she could be if she could get you to ask me out" "So I was a test you don't like me" "Not like that. Sorry I hope you're not mad. "No, I'm not mad" She knelt down and put a hoove on his shoulder. "Hey your a great a guy the right one will come around" She then planted a kiss on his cheek and walked away.

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