Regrets and Irony

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Louis’ P.O.V

I was trapped in this scary room. What had I done to deserve this? Actually, don’t answer that question.

The door burst open and my kidnapper strolled into the room. Oh how I wish Nathan was here to save me now…

‘Well well well, what have we here? A handsome, young lad! Wow what a catch! Now.. what can we do to you ‘ey?’ He said in a voice that made me want to be sick.

‘Oh I don’t know… maybe tell me what I have done wrong? You’re a bastard you are!!’ I screamed at him.

‘Haha! You haven’t done anything! That’s the beauty of it all! Get an innocent young boy, hold him for ransom, get money, make money… and then kill you.’ Oh no…

Nathan’s P.O.V

I was actually getting really worried now. However much I tried to deny my feelings for Louis, I couldn’t! I had to admit it to myself… I love him.

What would he say about this though? Is HE gay? Would he call me a fag and a queer? I sure hope not…

The police were on the trail to find my Boobear. WAIT STOP!!! MY BOOBEAR?? WHERE THE FUCK HAS THAT COME FROM??? Oh well. It was true!

They hadn’t found much though… I was starting to loose hope.

Suddenly, something hit the back of my head. A tape! Stuck to it was a not saying: ‘Play me and I will not play with him’

What did that mean? Not play with him… LOUIS! Whoever threw this tape is related to Louis’ kidnapping! I sprinted home at full speed. I hope I still have a video player!

*At home*

                              Ten minutes after a had raced home, I found the video player. I was currently inserting the tape into the slot, and waiting impatiently for it to load. As soon as I started to play, I was paying 100% attention.

The screen brightened, and a disgusting image appeared on the screen. Louis was tied to a chair with a gash on his forehead, his hair matted to his head from sweat. He was awake but barely. He was pale and his stripy t-shirt was torn.

He looked terrified, his eyes scanning over the room, his surroundings seeming new to him. He jumped as the sound of a door opening appeared in the background.

A man strolled into the room casually, seeming cocky and confident. He was carrying a rolling pin in his right hand. He smirked at Louis and turned to the camera. He spoke.

‘I see Nathan has decided to tune in! Myself and this fag here (he hit Louis in the stomach with the roller) have been waiting for you. We are live from a location currently unknown to you, but that will soon change.

Prepare yourself Nathan  as soon you will receive the first clue to Louis’ whereabouts. But beware, they will not be easy!’

‘Don’t do it Nathan! It’s a trap!’ The man thumped Louis over the head and he was knocked out cold.

‘Be careful Nathan, if you don’t succeed in rescuing your lover, the price to pay will be his death. I will be watching you…’

The screen blanked out and I scanned my mind for anything I could do. Only one thing appeared in my brain, I would have to find Louis using the clues. I couldn’t let him die.

I remembered the band, which I had named The Wanted and that although my friend Tom was in it, 2 of Louis’ friends, Jay and Siva, were in it too. I know that they know it’s me, and they have sort of blanked me so far, but I could get them to help me. Max too. 

Surely they would help me for their friend? I had a band meeting in 10 minutes anyway so I could ask them then.

Louis’ P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of evil laughter, literally. Kumar (my kidnapper) seemed to be practising his evil laugh which wasn’t going well. I had seen Nathan on the screen infront of me a while ago, and I had warned him about the trap.

He won’t of listened. I wasn’t lying though. Kumar had no intention of killing me. He was my friends brother. Siva’s. Kumar had lost his place in a band to Nathan and wanted to kill him so he could retrieve his ’rightful place’.

Note the sarcasm.

-Hi all,

Another chapter for you. Sorry I haven't uploaded in ages, we are starting our GCSE's soon and I have been studing.

Just to warn you, Dougie Poynter wilh be joining the story in the next chapter. Therefore McFly will probably play a small part. I am planning for this story to be approx 35-50 chapters long so there is a long way to go!!

Vomment please!

Same as always, next upload when someone commentss on this!!


-Lyo xx

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