chapter 4

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Kay's P.O.V

Today was the day.

The day of the concert..

and the day I would meet my soulmate.

It was currently 4 o' clock, and the concert wasn't until 7. Since I want to look the best for the concert, and possibly for my soulmate, I decided to get ready early.

I went down into the pantry to get a snack, and then returned to my room to start getting ready. I went to my closet, picked out an outfit (which included a black crop tank top and a flannel, with light washed skinny jeans and some white vans,) and then got into the shower.

I went through my usual shower ritual, wash my hair, rinse, condition it, rinse, wash my body, rinse, skincare products, rinse... etc.

After i got out of the shower, I wrapped my hair in the towel and dried myself off. I got dressed and moved in front of my mirror, ready to do my makeup.

I don't usually cake myself with makeup, but I put on a little more than usual. I applied concealer, foundation, powder, a tiny bit of eye-liner and some mascara.

Once I finished my makeup, I started working on my hair. I took it out of the towel and started to blow dry it, because I couldn't apply any heat to it until it was completely dry. Once I was finished with that, I straightened my hair and then curled the ends of it. I had long brown hair, so the curled ends looked realy pretty cascading down my back.

I tried to look for accessories, and I found a 5SOS braclet, a necklace, and some fake glasses.

By the time I was all ready, it was 6, time for me to start heading to the arena.

I plopped myself into the seat of my car, looking down to my wrist, and seeing the tracker. He is the same distance as the arena, 1.5 miles away. The days are now down to hours, about 2-3 hours left until I see him.

About a half an hour later, I was at the arena. Surprisingly, not too many girls were there yet. The line isn't as long as I thought it woud be, but it was still pretty long. I looked back down at my wrist the distance is down to feet, 90 feet.

7:00, concert is starting..

Everything was super loud. Tons of teenage girls screaming, including myself. I had made a sign that said "5SOS I WANT TO SING ON STAGE WITH YOU." I made it big, so that they would notice it. Something only my family knew about me was that I was actually a really good singer, but I never had the opportunity to show it.

A half an hour and a few songs later, they were onto the song "Lost Boy," one of my favorites.

"Alright, so this next song is called "Lost Boy, and we want you all to sing along." says Michael, starting to strum his guitar.

Calum is scanning the crowd and reading all of the signs, he looks at me and says, "Wait a minute guys, wait. Don't start yet." He then points to your sign, so that all of the boys would read it.

"Security, can you go let that girl up here?" Luke asks politely.

The security came down to me and lead me onto the stage. I didn't think they would notice me.

When I walked on stage, Luke and Michael came over to me. "You can share a mic. with Calum," Michael said, winking. I let out a small chuckle, and walked over to Calum, who was smiling cheekily.

"We are going to start off with a few questions first!" Ashton screams into the microphone.

"Good idea," Luke says, acting a little bit shy.

"Shut up, Luke." I could hear Mikey mumble.

"Alright, so.. what is your name?" Ashton asks.

"I'm Kayleigh Fabre, but I prefer to be called Kay." I smile, this was literally a dream to me.

"How old are you?" Michael asks.

"I am 18, turning 19 soon." I reply.

"Alright, final question, do you have one of these?" Luke asks, referring to the tracker/countdown on his wrist.

"Yes actually I do."

"Okay, lets all say when we are supposed to meet our soulmate." Michael says, eager to find out.

"I will go first," Ashton suggests, " I have like 105 days." He frowns, honestly wanting to meet her sooner.

"I have about 50 days left." Luke says.

"I still have a year, what the hell!" Michael exclaims, making the arena erupt in screams and laughter.

"How about you, Kay?" Ashton asks.

"I was supposed to meet mine today." I say.

"WOAH, me too!" Calum says, looking to me and smiling.

"How close is your soulmate, Kay and Cal?" Michael asks, getting excited.

"Mine says look to your left." I say, confused.

"Mine says look to your right." Calum says, just as puzzled as me.

As if on cue, both of our heads turned to look at eachother, and when we made eye contact, our wrists made a dinging sound.

"Now it says Calum Hood." I say, smiling. My smile was wider than I thought it would ever go.

"Mine says Kayleigh Fabre." Calum replies, mirroring the same large smile.

"HOLY CRAP DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!" Michael screams and the crowd starts cheering and jumping.

"YOU'RE SOULMATES!" Ashton yells.

I look over to Calum, he is already looking at me, before he pulls me into a huge hug. I realized this was where I belonged, right here in his arms.

We pulled away from the hug, and then he grabbed my hand, obviously as happy as I am.

"Alright, so I think we should do Lost Boy now, even though that was the cutest and most exciting thing I have ever experienced in my life and I would hate to end it, but we still have a concert to complete." Michael says, getting his head back into the game.

"So, this is lost boy and I hope you enjoy." Luke says, starting to play his guitar.

Calum lets go of my hand, just so he can play the bass, and I let out a small whimper, because I really loved holding his hand, or even just being near him. I know we kind of just met, but it made me feel so much safer, now that I had someone to hold, someone I could call my own in the time being.

He hears the whimper, turns his head and looks at me pouting and mouths the words "I'm sorry," not wanting to lose my touch either. I just smile and let out a small giggle. Him sending a smile in return.

Everything was perfect now.

Nothing could mess this day up.



anyway so please comment and vote and stuff, add it to your library

or dont thats cool too

alright so i am hungry and i am going to go eat some food nowwww




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