Tell Me That You've Had Enough pt.2

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Summary: Peter realizes that he's the biggest idiot and apologizes. We find out why he felt like he had to push away y/n. But will Y/N forgive him? Should she?

Warnings: heartache, bad dreams, a closure that I never got, an angry MJ

A/N: this took way longer than it probably should have, but I procrastinate then do it all one night with little to no sleep. I also wasn't planning on writing a second part but many of you wanted it and I hate to let everyone down. I hope you enjoy it!

Word Count: 2.5k

"I had to. God, I didn't want to but I had to....I had to." Peter started to uncontrollably sob and fell into his aunt's arms.

"Shh shhh, hey it's ok. But you need to tell me what's going on."

"You idiot, a big dumb stupid idiot." This was nothing new to Peter. MJ took every opportunity to remind him of this.

"Hello to you too, MJ." It's been about two weeks since Peter last spoke to you. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't dying inside. Apparently, all his friends felt the same way too.

"Two weeks Peter! Two fucking weeks! What did you do to her? You know what I don't care, because you are an idiot and idiots do idiotic things." Peter was surprised that you had stopped talking to the whole group, he was more surprised when you didn't confide in MJ. You and MJ were inseparable the moment you two met. You both brought out the best in each other. You two told each other everything.

When he found out you weren't talking to her, he knew just how much he hurt you. You were completely ignoring them. Anything that had to do with him. You stopped glancing back at him during biology, you didn't come running to him when Flash said something stupid to you. You didn't walk home with them after academic decathlon practice and took a different route entirely. You stopped going over to Ned's every Wednesday to watch 'Little Women Of Atlanta' (which you and Ned will deny but Peter caught you two secretly talking about it one day in class). He stopped seeing you in the cafeteria. It was breaking him, he had to keep himself busy during patrols otherwise he would come to your window and beg you to forgive him.

And he wanted to beg, he felt like he didn't deserve to be forgiven. Not after the way he treated you and told you. After you left his room that night, he cried into May's arms and told her everything. "Peter, honey everything is going to be fine. But you can't push people away and think that you're saving them. It doesn't work that way." May held the poor boy close, wishing he had told someone sooner. Now two hearts were broken. "Please May, tell me what to do."

Peter had given you some time to be alone, he knew that you'd probably be angry and not want to listen to what he had to say for a while. But after a week he understood just how miserable he was without you. He needed you and he was the only one who knew this too late. He realized that the moment he met you, you stole his heart and he was your willing victim. He let you see the parts of him that weren't all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them.

Peter has seen some things that not every normal high school teen has seen. Some of these things have left him sweating and shaking in his sleep. He sometimes came to you in the middle of the night to tell you the horrible things his mind had dreamt up. And every time, you held him and let him get everything off his chest. Sometimes, when the dreams became too much he would softly crawl into your room and lay next to you. You'd stir awake and hold him, you'd never ask about his dream or bring it up, and he was so thankful for it and you. You didn't know if Peter knew this but when he was asleep on those particular nights, you'd whisper in his ear just how much he meant to you and how needed he was. Maybe it was just you but it seemed as if he'd sleep lighter because of it. But now, there is nothing more but empty sheets between you and Peter.

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