Behind Closed Doors

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Peter Parker x MJ

Summary: Peter gets sick and the reader helps him out while MJ is away. A few mistakes are made behind closed doors, what will they tell MJ?

Warnings: cheating

A/N: Wrote this when I was sick and lonely.

Word Count: 3.2K

"Okay, I brought some warm teas, vitamins, cough syrup, my humidifier, and a few of my favorite movies." You burst Into Peter's room cheery as ever. It was Christmas break and you were going to be in the Christmas spirit no matter what. Peter's cold be damned.

"Movies? I'm sorry y/n but how is that going to help me get better?" Peter's croaky voice felt soothing, but you brushed the thought away before you could fully comprehend why that was.

They're for me when you eventually bore me to death with your star trek trivia." You placed everything neatly on Peter's desk, using your forearm to move all his web-shooters to the side.

Peter chuckled, sounding especially deep with his sore throat. "It's Star Wars, don't disrespect the greatest." Peter just observed how you just seem to flow so well in his room. You've been in here plenty of times of course, but seeing you now, the way you seem so at home here. With him. "You know, you don't have to do all this for me. I'm okay."

You just roll your eyes and continue to now organize his entire desk. Just couldn't help yourself. "As your friend first, and your neighbor second, I'm more than glad to help." You look over at Peter as you said that last part and smile at him. He returns it with the softest smile you've ever seen and it warms you up. For a second it reminds you of the warmth the sun gives you after days of rain.

"Thanks, Y/n." Peter couldn't think of anyone else he would want here right now.

"I also promised MJ I'd take care of you. And I don't know if you know this but your girlfriend is kind of scary." While finishing up Peter's desk you couldn't see the frown he had when you mentioned MJ. He thought you had done all of this because you wanted to. Now it all feels forced. He was also confused as to why the thought of MJ here instead of you made his heart sink. He loved his girlfriend, she was amazing. But before he could think of it some more you turned around and laid beside him.

"Sounds like her, but hey you chose her to be your best friend." Peter loved how amazing you and MJ were together. His best friend and his best girl. Even before he and MJ started to date, he was amazed at how quickly you two clicked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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