Tell Me That You've Had Enough

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Summary: Peter has had enough of y/n and decides he's going to let it all out. Y/n just wanted to make Peter happy, it wasn't supposed to end like this.

Warnings: Peter being an absolute asshole, mentions physical abuse and emotional abuse. Gaslighting? Maybe?

A/N: I honestly have no idea what I just wrote. I wrote it in less than an hour. This is how I handle my emotions now, just write fanfic about them. Also don't expect this to be good, again I wrote it in less than an hour.

Word Count: 1.1k

This isn't how tonight was supposed to end. This isn't what you planned out. It was supposed to be fun and carefree the way you and Peter usually are. You noticed Peter has been a little hostile these past few...days? Weeks? You can't remember anymore. You wanted him to let loose. You thought maybe the stark internship was causing him to lash out those few nights ago. Or maybe it was school. Peter's always been good at school. This isn't how tonight was supposed to end.

"Jesus fuck y/n! You just don't stop do you?" Peter shut the door behind him and threw his things roughly to the ground, scaring you.

"I was just-" This type of behavior from Peter surprised you, to say the least. His furious stare made you uncomfortable, nauseous even.

"Just what? God all you ever do is nag me and complain about your stupid problems that I have to pretend to care about. It's fucking exhausting y/n!." You had gone over to Peter's hoping to finally hang out with your best friend. You had originally thought he had been avoiding you at school, but Peter would never do that, right? You wanted tonight to be about him.

You had everything planned, you rented a few of his favorite films and bought his favorite snacks and drinks. Even brought over a game board in case the both of you decided to take a break from the movies. You were going to order Chinese from his favorite take-out. You knew how hard peter could be on himself, you just wanted to make sure your best friend knew how much he was loved.

"I- I-" You weren't prepared for this. You never expected Peter to blow up on you like this.

"I what y/n? Did you suddenly forget how to fucking talk? Might actually be a miracle!" Peter was scaring you. You wanted to go home.

Your lips start to quiver.

"Oh great, now you're going to cry. I don't know why I'm so surprised. You can't control your own emotions for two fucking seconds." Peter was still standing in front of his closed door, you silently hoped May would hear and tell Peter to stop. But you were afraid he'd yell at her too.

"Stop!" you stood up suddenly, now at eye level with peter. Peter knew everything about you, meaning he knew which nerves to hit. And he hit one. "You-You can't say that to me." Your voice was soft, almost a whisper. Your throat felt like it was stuffed with rocks. "If you wanted me to leave you alone you should have just told me. You don't have to be an asshole."

Peter chuckled, "An asshole, alright. Y/n I don't want you to just 'leave me alone I never wanted you in the first place! And don't call me an asshole for being honest with you."

It was as if Peter wanted you to break in front of him. To watch you fall apart piece by piece.

"No, you're being an asshole right now! You have been these past few months," weeks? "avoiding me at school, being short with me. What did I do to you?" You could feel the tears you were fighting start to spill out. You didn't want him to see you like this. You had to be strong.

"Oh don't put this shit on me like it's somehow my fault. Don't blame me for your emotions." Peter was full-on screaming now, neck strained. "God, you're so annoying."

You stood there with tears streaming down your face, trying to look as emotionless as possible.

"Are you done? I don't need this shit peter. Not from you, not from those shitty ex-boyfriends, and not from anyone else!"

"Really? But isn't that exactly your type? Men who treat you like shit and ignore you and make you cry yourself to sleep? Hmm? I thought you liked begging for that unreachable male attention, the attention daddy never gave you because he was too busy beating the shit out of you!"

It was as if your hand had a mind of its own and came into contact with Peter's cheek hard and fast. The sound silencing you both.

Peter smiles and chuckles slowly. "Like father, like daughter I guess."

You push past Peter and open the door. You stand there for a few seconds, hoping this was just a dream.

"What do you want from me y/n?"

You keep your head low and say softly, "I just wanted to make you happy tonight." You make your way down the hall, past the living room where May was currently sitting with her movie paused. You turn to her "sorry for interrupting your movie May.' She sat there looking at you, a shocked expression is written all over her face.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. Let me drive you home, I'll talk to him." May was reaching for her keys before you stopped her.

"No please, I don't want to be a bother anymore." a choked sobbed escaped past your lips. And as May got up to reach you, you quickly walked past her to the front door.


You turn to see Peter standing next to May.

"At least you got what you wanted tonight."

You didn't want to ask, yet you did. "And what was that?"

Peter slid his hands into his front pockets. "I'm happy,"

And with that, you left the apartment building, maybe for good.

"What the fuck was that Peter!? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" May didn't know what to do, she just heard her nephew break this poor girl into pieces. And if she was being completely honest she wanted to tear peter a new one. But she was confused when she saw the tears start to stream down his face.

"I had to may. God, I didn't want to but I had to....I had to." Peter started to uncontrollably sob and fell into his aunt's arms.

"Shh shhh, hey it's ok. But you need to tell me what's going on."

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