A Touch of Normal - Sam Wilson

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Summary: Ever since Sam met Steve Rogers, his life was never normal again. But he still tries to have as much normalcy as possible when he's with you.


You wake up as soon as Sam steps out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around him and droplets of water still clinging to his body. You groan as you stretch out your limbs and mumble, "Morning," to Sam.

He softly smiles and walks over to you, bending down to peck your lips, "Morning, honey."

You sit up and rub the sleep out of your eyes, "Did you just get back from your run?"

"Mhm," Sam answers while discarding the towel into the hamper and pulling on his clothes, "I'm gonna get started on breakfast. You craving anything in particular?"

You shake your head, "Surprise me."

"Okay," after he pulls on his shirt, he kisses you again and murmurs, "See you down there." You watch as your boyfriend exits your shared bedroom and you let out a content sigh. You then roll out of your bed to use the bathroom and get started with your day.

When you're showered and dressed, you come down to see Sam in the kitchen. An apron is wrapped around him as he cooks what smells like either pancakes or waffles.

You come up behind him, wrapping your arms around his frame and just holding him there. He chuckles and pats your hand, "Come on, baby. I can't cook with you clinging onto me like that."

"Fine. Fine. Gimme a kiss though."

"I kissed you twice already!"

"And I want another one!"

"Okay. Okay." he sets his the spatula down and turns around. He then cups your face in his hands and his lips are on yours. You moan into the kiss as you pull him by the apron, bringing him closer. But he pulls away.

"There. Happy?"

You shake your head and reply, "I want another one," with a smirk.

"Now you're just being greedy," Sam shakes his head and gives your butt a little slap, "Go cut up some fruit."

"Okay. Okay!" you grab some apples, bananas, and strawberries and begin to wash and cut them, "You become Captain American and suddenly you're Mister Bossy Pants."

"Well I'm the Captain after all. It's my job to be bossy," Sam retorts as he plates pancakes for you and him.

When the pancakes are plated and the fruit are cut up, you and Sam sit at the kitchen table. A cup of coffee for both of you waiting to be drank.

You grab the remote and turn on the tv that plays softly in the background. After taking a sip from your mug, you ask. You take a bite of fruit but then jolt as Sam pulls your chair closer to his and wraps an arm around your shoulder.

You lean into his embrace, taking a piece of fruit and feeding it to him, in between his own bites of breakfast.


After breakfast, you two head out to run some errands. After breakfast, you noticed how bare the fridge was, so it was probably time to refill it.

You're rolling the cart down each aisle, grabbing things you need and don't need. Sam is just following you, his hand in your back pocket. He loves this. He loves you. He loves how domestic things get when he's with you it makes him feel...normal.

He's just staring ahead, thinking about you, thinking about himself, until he gets elbowed in the ribs, "OW! Hey!"

Your face is laced with concern, "Are you okay? You spaced out and-I don't know. I got worried."

Oh, you. Always so concerned for his well being. Always taking care of him after he's taken care of everyone else.

He leans in and pecks your lips, "I'm good, baby. Great, even. I love you."

"I love you too, Sammy." you give him another kiss and proceed down the grocery aisle.

Sam just holds you a little closer now. You're his safe haven, his touch of normal, his love. His everything.

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