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"cmon don't be an asshole," I say to him as he looks down at me. "Woah, now that was a big word, I'm very proud" he chuckles as he walks to the back of the classroom. I watch as he walks away then turn and walk up to the cauldron and take in a big sniff. I laugh and walk to the back of the classroom. "okay then cough up" he says intrigued. "shit, i don't remember" i say while pretending to look like I've forgotten.  "okay okay, enough with the games, if i tell you you have to tell me" he says with a slight smirk. "fine, go on" 

"Alright alright, no need to rush me" then he says "raspberries, peppermint, and fresh daisy's." omg, omg that's is meeeeee. i think in my head. i think back to the piece of gum in my mouth and my fav/signature perfume RASPBERRIES. but i don't know where the daisy's came from, its not like a roll around in daisy's everyday. 

i look down at the floor to try and hide my excitement. but his cold hands hook my chin and lift it up to look at him. he slowly moves his hand behind my neck and asks "what about you?". i take a breath teasing him slightly "oh right i smelled toasted bread and burning fire" I wink at him. And his face gets all crumpled like he's about to explode. "you good there?" i ask and laugh. "shut up, what did you actually smell" he says pulling you closer by your hips.

"well if you must know, i smelt cigarettes and strong cologne" i say looking at his lip. "well that's more like it" he says happily. he winks at me before going back to our table. i follow him back and sit down. we keep making slight eye contact. he looks like he's getting impatient, he leans over and whispers "are we just going to ignore that we both smelt each other. i laugh at how ridiculous that sounds. "shut it, you know what i meant" he snaps. "maybe i will" i say "what? you're just going to ignore it?" he says as the bell rings. i stand up and grab my bag. i start to head to the door until a hand grabs my wrist and spins me around, "oh, you don't think you can get away that easily," he says "who says i cant?" i say and walk off.

I walk back to my dorm where Rave is waiting anxiously.

POWERFUL// Matteo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now