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I come into my dorm to see Rave sitting anxiously on the bed. 

as I walk in her eyes dark up to me and she looks at me like I've just killed her brother. I ask her if everything was alright and she stands up and walks closer to me. "you know what's wrong" she says scowling at me. "c'mon admit it you like him" she says looking me dead in the eyes. "I'm not stupid, you just want whatever I have don't you." "you're living in my house and now you're trying to steal Matteo, are you fucking kidding me." she shouts shoving me away from her. "get a grip Rave, I'm not trying to 'steal your life'. yes, so what I like Matteo and Maybe I did live in your house for a bit. but I definitely don't want to be you" I shout back at her. 

Just as she starts to get really angry Kai walks in. "wassup" he yells pushing the door open. he slowly stops as he sees our faces "you are you guys good?" he says laughing a little. "No Kai we aren't, Y/N is a bitch." she mutters. "I'm the bitch? you're getting mad at me for something i can't control. I like him and he likes me more than he likes you" "sorry buddy that's just the way life works" is ay smiling at her sarcastically. Now she's just yelling at me uncontrollably and to be honest, it's kind of entertaining, watching her get so mad while kai is standing off to the side wide-eyed and scared. I cut her off mid-rant and ask "are you done yet?". she storms out of the room and heads three doors down and storms into pansy's room. 

"there goes another problem," I say slamming the door behind her. "holy shit, what happened?" Kai asks. "umm, so she got mad at me for 'stealing her life', living in her house and 'stealing Matteo'. then I put her back in her place, so she got more mad. and then you walked in. TADDAAA" I say sarcastically and he laughs. "well I was coming in here to invite you to mine and Matteo's dorm, to just sit and talk maybe drink and get high" I smile and say "ill still be there". "But in the meantime, I'm going to see if I can fix things with rave."

"good luck" he chuckles exiting the dorm. he leaves and I head out after him. I knock on the door and Rave answers. " look who's back" she says. "c'mon, I need to talk to you" I say pulling her out the door. she sees that I'm not being rude and she leaves pansy's dorm and closes the door. "oh go on then" she says crossing her arms. "Alright ill admit I was a bit of a bitch in the way I reacted to you, and I still want to be friends with you even though I like Matteo." "and if you really want I will forget about him, because I love you and you are my best friend" ugh that was disgusting I think to myself while saying that. "oh wow, she apologized for everyone," she says sarcastically. "I wouldn't say I apologized I didn't hear a sorry did you?" I say laughing. 

she grabs me and gives me a hug and we walk back to our dorm. I jump onto my bed and pat the spot In front of me, she jumps and sits. "Alright, I know this may be a bit soon but do you want to go the Kai's and Matteo's dorm tonight. nothing big just sitting and talking with a hint of alcohol" she looks at me with a bit of hesitant but agrees "and I assure you I am over Matteo" well that was quick I think to myself. "but I am in need of a little fling" she says. "well that's doable" I laughed.

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