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You pull the dress off excitedly and run to the front desk and ask for it. She smiles and raps it up as she finishes off Raves dress. she pushes the dresses towards us. We both thank her as we walk out the door and talk about our dresses until we reach three broomsticks. we head into the door and see the guys in the corner. 

we walk over and I slide in next to kai. He asks me what I got and I smile at him, I lean over to whisper it in his ear "Dark forest green dress, with a slit going up to my thigh" he turns to me "oo very nice" he laughs. Matteo leans over the table "what are you two snickering at?" he asks. "just how beautiful I'm going to look" I say. "oh well I already know that" he says leaning back.

We finish up our butter beers and we head off back to the common room. We all sit around talking and reading for a bit before we go back to our dorms. I try on my dress again and just look at myself in the mirror. Then rave puts hers on and we dance around for ages. the rest of the week goes by and nothing fairly interesting happens.

But today is the yule ball and you are overly excited. I head to all my classes for the day and when I return to my dorm we only have 3 hours to get ready. I and Rave blast some music and do each others hair and makeup then I slide on my dress and then we sit on the ends of our beds waiting for our dates. 

I and Rave get tired of waiting, they are almost 20 minutes late. so we decide to escort each other. we walk to the hall and I am in serious need of the bathroom so I decide to go to the toilet and I tell Rave to go on. I quickly go back to my dorm to go to the loo and then I start to head back to the hall. As I walk down the hall everyone that has wandered out of the ball is staring at me.

I begin to get a bit insecure, checking my dress, feeling my head and checking my shoes. finally, I reach the entrance to the ball and I walk through the doors. suddenly people begin to turn around and look at me, I put on a smile. "wow, you look amazing" the voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Matteo standing there frozen on the spot.  He just stands there staring. i walk over to him and slightly push him "asshole you never came to get me" I say angered. 

"what are you talking about? we agreed to meet her, your the one that's late," he says confused. I walk off and go to join the group all of them look up and their eyes widen. "hey guys" I say slightly awkwardly. none of them responds so I turn back to Matteo who is standing over me. He leans down "care to dance," he says extending his hand. "if I must," I said taking hold of his hand. 

he leads me to the dance floor as a slow song starts to play. he holds me while is tumble over his feet, he begins to laugh t my foolishness. "alright that wasn't as romantic as I thought it was going to be" he laughed. "shut it" I say stamping on his toe. You wrap your arms around his neck and he holds you by your waist. you stare up at him and he gazes into your eyes.

You dance for a couple of songs before he asks you to come with him. YOu agree and follow him out of the hall and up to the common room. he then picks you up and runs to his dorm where he lays you on the bed . "we barely had time to enjoy the ball" you say saddened. "I just couldn't resist" he smiles.

(I am cutting this story short and sadly this is where it ends, although this story is finished I would love if you could suggest a new character to create fanfic of. Maybe Fred weasly, Draco Malfoy, Ron weasly or someone else you had in mind)


Hey guys i just wanted to let you know that i am working on a new story which I'm sure will be better, cant wait for you guys to see <3

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