Chapter 2: reveals and explanations

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~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~~

After I woke up, I found out that my wound had been stitched and bandaged. Just then, a guard came to my cell, bound my hand behind my back, and told me "get up! The chief wants to meet with you in the great hall!" "well... I'm gonna need my prosthetic for that, right?" I replied sarcastically. The guard grumbled, and held onto me for support. Once we were at the great hall, he threw me on my knees, and I heard Stoick speak. "Who are you? How do I know that you're not an assassin? "

squaring my shoulders, I said "my name Shadow Fury. the first dragon tamer and rider. I am not an assassin. "Well then, you have nothing to fear. Take off her helmet." stoick said. "What- hey!" I said, surprised as my helmet was taken off. I tried to shake my hair over my face, but it was no use."Hicca?" Stoick whispered. "Yes, it's me. I ran away, bla, bla,, where's my prosthetic leg, and my dragon?" I asked after braiding my hip-length hair and putting it over my shoulder. "Lass, yes prosthetic is in the prison, and yer dragon is in the arena." said Gobber "ok thanks gobber!"

As I was standing up, I screamed in pain. "Hicca! What happened?" "L-l-labor." I managed to pant out between contractions. "N-need my d-dragon." Just then, Toothless came bursting into the great hall. As soon as he saw me in labor and pain, he shifted into a human, picked me up bridal-style, and ran all the way to gothi's whispering in my ear. "Wait! Who are you??!" I heard stoick yell. "All that you need to know is that I'm her husband!" I heard him yell over his shoulder.

~~~~~~~~after the birth~~~~~~~~

Gothi handed me a little bundle wrapped in some cloth, and scribbled "congratulations! You have a healthy baby boy!"

"What should we name him?" I heard Toothless ask me (he was in his human form.) "Nuffink." I whispered. "Perfect." Toothless smiled at me.

Just then Stoick came barging in, effectively ruining the moment. "I want answers!" he sa- no yelled.

"And you shall have them. But first my wife needs to rest. She just gave birth. So please, GET OUT!" Toothless said, and yelled the last part, before lifting the covers and cuddling up to me and Nuffink. As I was dozing off, I saw Stoick's surprised face.

~~~~~~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~

"Ww aaaaahhhhh!!!!" a loud scream coming from Nuffink woke me up. "Sounds like someone's hungry." commented Toothless sleepily from beside me. "Yeah definitely." I replied as I got into position to feed him. Just then Toothless said "I may as well bring your dad here and we can explain."

"Sure, why not?"

As Toothless left to get my dad, I realized Nuffink needed to be burped. After I burped him, I was settling back down, when Tooth entered the room with my dad. "Hey Tooth! Hey Stoick." I greeted. Toothless didn't say anything, instead, he walked over to me and gave me a peck on the lips, and gave Nuffink a kiss on the cheek. "Now, what do you want to know?" I asked Stoick. "Everything."

"Ok. So you remember that raid where I claimed to have shot down a Night Fury? Well that Night Fury is Toothless. After Gobber took me to the house, I snuck out the back door, found him, and befriended him.

I used tricks from him to win dragon training. But when I had to kill the Monstrous Nightmare, I knew I couldn't. So I ran away. On my second night of camping, he transformed into a human by accident, and his secret was out. A couple days later, we started building a small village. After a couple of months, it turned into a large village, and I became the chief. After a month, we started dating. By that time, it had been one year. A year later, he proposed. I accepted, and we got married. About 3 months later, I got pregnant with Zephyr, our firstborn. Nine months later, I gave birth to her. So then I was shot down 3 years later by you. You know the rest." I finished telling my tale. "Hicca! We need to tell the village! Come on!"

~~~~~~~~in the great hall~~~~~~~~

"Now, you all remember the dragon rider? We, I'd like to introduce to you, Hicca Horrendous-" my dad was saying until I cut him off. "My name is Hicca Shadow Fury, and this is my second child, Nuffink Shadow Fury!"

"But there was one more surprise!" my dad exclaimed. With that, Toothless came bounding into the great hall, and turned into a human. "I'd like to introduce my husband, Toothless Shadow Fury!" Toothless gave an over dramatic bow before pecking me on the lips.

~~~~~~~~a few days later~~~~~~~~

Me and toothless were lounging in the forest, when suddenly, I realized that my shirt was gone. Me and toothless had taken off our shirts cause we were hot. That meant that I was left in my tank top!  I saw a wooly tail in the foliage and I said "Toothless, I think Fungus, Mildew's sheep, has taken my top! Help me get it back?" "Sure babe!" replied Tooth getting to his feet. As we chased him, I didn't realise we were rapidly approaching the village square. "Ooof!" I crashed into a market stall. "Hey! You'll be paying if it's broke- Hicca?! Toothless?!"  "Sorry! I need to get my top!" I continued chasing and eventually pinned him. "Hey! Mah baby! Watch it, devils!" I heard a cranky voice say.

"Mildew, look at my top! Your "baby" did that!"

As we argued, Toothless came to me, and began rubbing my back to calm me down. "Alright what is going on here??! Hicca?!?! How??!" I heard Stoick say. "Uh-oh." commented. Just then, a green terrible terror whizzed past and landed on my face. "AGH! WHAT! PHHH!!!" I stuttered out staggering backwards. "Oof!" I fell behind and once I regained my senses, I exclaimed "Sharpshot! What have I said about landing on my face??!" In response, Sharpshot dropped a note in my hands, and went to sleep on my head. As I looked at the note, I noticed a broken hair tie on the ground. "Uh-oh." I said again. I put a hand up to my hair, and sure nough, it was untied. "Thor Damnit!" I said and facepalmed.

(A/N the note said:

Dear Hicca and Toothless,

Why are you on Berk???!!

Are you okay??!!!

Dagur is heading to Berk for your treaty!


Heather )

When it's untied, my hair is up to mid-thigh. "Ok, firstly, Toothless, are there any spare clothes in your saddle bag? I need a new top. Secondly, does anyone have a hair tie? This is very inconvenient!" I said, pointing at my hair. after braiding my hair and putting on a new top, I said "what?" "it's just that you're so.. So.. un-Hicca like." said Asher. "Hicca. How did you get those scars, and where is odin's name did those tattoos come from??!" asked Stoick.

"Uhh heh he he." I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "I got them from the forge you know..." "uh, nope. I know a battle scar when I see one! What on earth happened out there lassie??!" asked Gobber. "Alright fine!" I said, throwing my hands up in defeat. "I may or may not have gotten into a couple battles, gotten captured/kidnapped and tortured for days on end..."


"And the tattoos are to disguise the scars. Lightning bolts for whips, dragon scales for stab wounds, and anything else for anything else. Now, give me my top!"

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