Chapter 3: Welcome To The Edge

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"Beserker armada approaching!" a random viking shouted. "Stand down. Let us handle this." I said, running off to get my armor.

~~~~~~~~~~after signing the treaty~~~~~~~~~~

"Wow! You handled that so well!" commented asher "Thanks Asher. But now I'm gonna relieve my husband of Nuff. See ya!"

~~~~~~~~~~at night~~~~~~~~~~


"Yes Stoick?"

"I was wondering if you would sleep in your old room?"

"Sure! As long as you don't mind being woken up by a crying baby. ;)"


~~~~~~~~~~In the morning~~~~~~~~~~

Stoick's P.O.V.

I woke up and went to wake up Hicca, except when I entered her room I found her and that freak snuggling together! "HICCA!!! Why are you snuggling with that freak?!!" the freak woke up, and groggily nudged her, before going back to sleep.

She groaned quietly, put a finger to her lips, and indicated her son. Right on cue, he started wailing. She narrowed her eyes at me, and angrily said "now look what you've done! We got him to sleep only two hours ago!!" then she sighed, and said "please wait outside. I think he needs to eat. "The freak needs to come too!" I stated. "She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed "he's my husband. He has a name. He's not a freak. He. can. Stay." I growled and walked outside to wait.

Toothless's P.O.V.

"Your dad doesn't particularly seem to like me." I said to her. "Eh, so what? He's Stoick The Vast!"

I chuckled. "Ok, point taken." I hear a soft coo coming from Nuffink. I looked down and realized he was asleep. "I'll go call Stoick back inside."

"Mhm." she replied, already half asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~Later-Great Hall~~~~~~~~~~

"Stoick, there's a great meeting back at my home, and I must attend. It is of all of our allies, and it's mandatory. Toothless and me will leave in two days." I told Stoick. "But Hicca!" he nearly whined. "No buts. I might let you come along, but only, ONLY, if you ride dragons, don't harm or kill them, and follow all the rules and traditions on my island."


"Ok. get packed, and PACK LIGHT!"

~~~~~~~on the morning of take off~~~~~~

"Is everyone ready?" I asked a chorus of "yes Hicca" was my answer. I let out a shrill, loud whistle. A Screaming Death landed in front of me. "Ok everyone, this is Legend. I'll guide you all to a spike. Hold on!" After everyone was seated, Toothless and I went to the front of Legend and sat down. "Everyone, hold on!" Legend said as she took off. I could hear the screams of the other viking as she took off. "Ok everyone, now I'm going to go to sleep, so please don't disturb me unless it's a life or death situation, or unless we have reached." As I was dozing off with my head in toothless's lap, I heard someone faintly say in the background "how can she sleep in midair?"


"Welcome to Dragonwing Village!" I proudly proclaimed. I heard many shocked gasps coming from everyone. "Mom! I've been worried sick! where we- Oh, who are these people?" I heard the voice of none other that my eight, nearly nine, year old daughter. I chuckled. "Zephyr, don't worry. These people are the Berkians, Stoick the Vast, Gobber, Fishlegs, Asher, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Sntlout." I told her. Her reaction was as expected. "what!!!" she nearly screamed. "Aunt Heather is going to blow her top when she hears about this." I heard her mutter. "Hicca? You gonna introduce us?" Stoick's voice cut through my train of thoughts. "Right, sorry. That was out firstborn, Zephyr Shadow Fury. She's eight, but she turns nine in a couple of days." I told them. We landed in the center of the village, and about a dozen villagers came to greet me. the healer, Margaret, approached me and asked "Lady Hicca, how's the baby?" "He's doing fine." I told her and showed her a little bundle of blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes. "but where he got that blonde hair from is a mystery." 

"awwwwwww!!!!!" I heard several coos over Nuffink.

"Lady Hicca!!! Some wild dragons have been fighting in front of Hellen and Ausgurd's house" They need  to be tamed, and the scuffle has destroyed a entire wall of their house!" A villager shouted to me. "Ok, were there any injuries?" I asked. "Hellen had a gash on her arm, but nothing more." I responded with a sharp whistle calling Toothless. He came running up to me, in his human form, Nuff in his arms. "Dad, can you take Nuff?" I asked dad. "Sure daughter." he replied. After handing Nuff to dad, Toothless transformed into a dragon, and we took off.

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