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3rd person POV

(A/N ANSIRHWND 2k reads yall so sexc for that😩 anyway enjoy the chapter)

Naomi was pacing back and forth in the living room hoping her plan was gonna work. She had no idea how her husband was gonna take the fact that their long time best friend came on to her. Aggressively at that. "Okay come on Mimi. Just cook him a great meal. Get a little sexy and just tell him. You can do that." She says trying to hype herself up and surprisingly it was working.

Naomi makes her way into the kitchen. Her husband didn't really have a favorite food. He was really just a person who was satisfied as long as they ate. After thinking on it for a couple minutes she just decides to make Katsudon. Even though he didn't have a favorite food she knows he did favor this over anything else. The woman glances over at the time "Okay. Still got a bit of time. While the sauce is simmering I'll go change then."

After finishing it and putting the sauce in a saucepan to simmer she made her way upstairs to change. "Okay. Something a little sexy just to butter him up so he won't be mad." Naomi really hoped this would work. Even though she still wanted drop kick Gojo in his nose, she knew that was her husbands best friend. She hoped this dinner would just let him know. They both confront him about it, he apologizes and everything goes back to normal. She hoped.

After she gets dressed Thats when she hears the front door open. "Shit shit shit. He's him early" she says running downstairs to see Nanami standing at the stove. "I just turned it on low. I didn't want it to scorch." He says turning to his wife. "Hey baby thank you for doing that I was just changing clothes. Why don't you go have a seat in the dining room and I'll bring the food." She says walking past him. He nods then starts making his way to the dining room, but not before kissing his woman "You look nice." Nanami says with a smile before continuing his way to the dining room.

He sat down at the table and started loosening his tie. The man let out a tired sigh, fighting curses will do that to you. After removing his glasses that's when he's met with his wife bringing the food to the table "I made Katsudon and there's ice cream mochi in the freezer." She says before sitting down next to him. Nanami smiles at her "Thank you. I needed this." He says before they start eating.

Halfway through the meal Nanami glances over at a spaced out Naomi "What's on your mind?" He ask which makes her snap back into reality and she sighs. "Listen babe I'm just gonna come out and say it since that's the only way I know how to do it. Gojo came on to me earlier today. I was sitting in there doing my hair and he came here saying how he could  give me all this and more and what not. Then he had the nerve to grab me." She says getting worked up. Before she let herself continue she sighed "But yeah. That's what happened." As she was talking Nanami sat there quit listening to his wife before nodding "Ill handle it. I don't want you to worry about it okay?"

He tried to put on a calm face. He knew if Naomi saw him made then she'll get mad again and that's when the worst happens. Truly though, he was furious. After all those years a friendship Gojo was really stupid enough to try and come on to his wife. Oh how he was gonna have words with him tomorrow but now. He was gonna enjoy this time with his wife. She had made an amazing meal he really enjoyed, she dressed up and looked amazing right now. There's no way he was gonna let Gojo ruin this night after a long day.

Nanami stood up from the table. "I'm gonna wash the dishes and how about I was the dishes and we get the mochi out the freezer and enjoy it while watching a movie?" He proposes making his wife nod "Okay that'll work. When you get done with the dishes take a shower cause you smell like outside and we're watching princess and the frog." The woman said before making her way in the living room. Nanami chuckled watching her leave. Honestly. He couldn't blame Gojo. His wife is gorgeous. Probably the most perfect woman in the world. He could see why anyone would want her. But he was lucky enough to have her. And it was gonna stay that way, he was the only lucky one.

After finishing the dishes and taking a shower since he smelled like "outside" whatever that meant but if his wife said it, it was a very valid smell and it needed to be taken care of. He comes back downstairs with a blanket in his hand and a towel around his neck since his hair is wet. Naomi already has the mochi sitting in her lap and the living going, already at the part where Naveen meets the shadow man. After sitting down he pulls her over sitting in his lap with his arms around her waist. As the two start watching the movie, and Naomi belting all the songs, and two start cuddling more into each other. Naomi starts to feel stray kisses on her shoulder.

"Boy stop kissing on me trying to start something." She says looking down at her husband making hun chuckle "You started it when you decided to wear this." Earning a laugh from his wife. "Yeah right. You better stop playing." She says turning back to the movie. Suddenly she's picked up and thrown over her husband's shoulder. "Ahh! Ken put me down!" She yells as he turned off the tv and starts making his way upstairs. "What about the mochi?!" She says and Nanami grips on to her plump thighs tighter "I'll buy you some tomorrow." Is all he says before they start heading to the room.

(Naomi's outfit. A/N I bought one of these sets, 10/10 frfr)

 A/N I bought one of these sets, 10/10 frfr)

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(Whew Chile this one kinda long. Anyway the next one will be a filler chapter since I haven't decided if I wanna make it spicy nsfw or do I want the confrontational with Nanami and Gojo. Anyway y'all enjoy and please give feedback I promise 94% of the time I don't know what I'm doing)

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