Chapter 3 - Alpha Group

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Headmaster Chifuyu Orimura was starring down her student (FN) (LN) that had his crossdressing cover as Valeria Sokolov blown. She glared at him and wanted to know more about what was going on. Not only to protect the boy with all force necessary, but to find out what was going on. Seeing what Russia and "Alpha Group" were doing. As well as how they all tied into this operation.

"Whenever you're ready. Then we can relax a bit. How's that?" Relax maybe meaning a little less harm onto the shackles. 

"My father is a Russian commander. But he did not have me be a child to his wife. My mother and I separated when I was a boy maybe four or five years old. My father's concubine had me until that age and I went into the camp. I realized long ago that there were several kids that soldiers impregnated concubines because they were to have soldier genes and no strings attached." He nodded and took a breath. 

"Some of us in different groups while others were split apart for the time being. But we did have schools at an advanced level to have us learn as much as we were able to. They impounded our brains to do so. It is how we quickly got rid of the homesickness. Simply because we were taught at young edges math and language and then it went into other factors. And I learned the Japanese language I want to say very quickly in comparison."

Miss Orimura was intrigued. "So how was the life?"

"I could never have my father satisfied even when I was labeled as The Omega Weapon they were looking for. I think it was because there are some people my ass that can sniff a book and tell you everything inside of it from back to front. Me I have to work harder than others. Yes I'm human, but that's not an excuse back home without a hard smack across the temple."

"On top of the head is better for a few reasons." Headmaster smirked as she knew that too wall with a certain little brother and a Chinese girl. "But what was this Omega Weapon of some sort? Don't tell me some sort of gaming reference"

"Ironically Headmaster is was based off of that as a coverup. In case anyone overheard the operation. But what happens is once we reach teenaged years things start to shift. At thirteen I was living on my own. All of us were put up against Makarov to see if we could be compatible with it. Obviously I got luck. The others would learn a new position for being an informant. Whether that is learn a new language to be a spy, special operations, or something else. It gets brutal from here on in."

"The ones using Infinite Stratos units aren't soldiers. Some of them are mechanics, logistics, scientists, engineers. It just doesn't work like that. You were created and born to be a weapon and that is immoral." Headmaster Orimura was getting angry.

"I know. And yes we know what is going on. We had another Orimura we have met before that Alpha Group made a deal with." Said (FN).


"I believe Makarov at one point was a rogue I.S. unit. I am unsure. But I think it was delivered as part of the bargain chip. But I was given instructions after I found out I was compatible. I'm starting to think that maybe she and my father pulled some strings. But either way I'm here. And because I couldn't be the only second male, I had to blend in. So I was sent to an upscale brothel with escorts and scientists to learn how to be a lady and get the hormones in order."

"Escorts? Seriously? Your father sent you there to be a pig?" 

"To act like a lady and to be able to pull off any look for a teenaged girl. How to shave and wax the legs, adjust makeup pallets, and behavior through the hormone treatment. Voice, walk, everything you can imagine. These are professionals that seduce men at upscale places and events all over the world legal or not. When it comes to being a lady, they're the ones to go to."

Chifuyu Orimura seemed shocked. The fact that a boy had better legs than some of the girls at the school. Probably using a product or two as well due to the body hair caused by the testosterone that is higher than anyone else at the academy outside of Ichika Orimura. "So, do you know anything about the negotiations with Madoka Orimura? No relations by the way."

"One of the things was to gather more research and discover new I.S. technology known and rouge. And even if it was possible to take down the Student Body President I have referred to as Lady Katana."

"Tatenashi Sarashiki. Yes. Well good luck with that. She could devour you in more ways than one. But yet, so could your roommate when she's feeling up to it." Miss Orimura knew how to scout talent. She was fully confident in her predictions. "On your best days I would take Laura. You fly just short on your crush."

"What is this crush? I never really understood the term." He asked.

"You like her. In the way a man likes a woman."

"Well, I do. Just a matter of will she like what she sees in front of her after all of this has happened. I'm not going to die by any hands including my own. But as a man, I would love to see what she thinks of me. Especially since I have never been complimented as a man."

"I'm sure you will when I get to the bottom of this." Headmaster wanted the ball to get moving. "So, you arrived at the academy. Where to from there?"


I was able to get through classes just fine. I don't remember what was going on with arrangements. I went from the plane where I slept there and right to classes and had a full day. I didn't want to skip or attract attention. After everything was over I was on my way to the office.

The final bell rang as Valeria packed up her bags and took off to the office. Just to get a room key and settle in from there. Having to get used to a roommate was going to be a challenge. How to hide the third leg and the real identity. But at least the hormones helped with the face and body hair.

Halfway to the office there was a surprise that she didn't see coming. A chiming, high pitched voice. "Hi there Girly."

Valeria looked over her shoulder. "Lady Katana!?" (FN) in full disguise was shocked that Mother Russia's representative contender had such a girly voice. But it was her. That blue hair and red eyes. The hand-fan that read clearly, "The Strongest" across.

"Please. Just call me Tatenashi. So I take it you know I'm your nation's representative contender right? Well, I'm also President of the student body. I came to find you to show you your room. Bags packed there and all. And to clear the air with Miss Bodewig since she's the feisty type."

When I hear that word feisty I hear of some of the whores back home using it in a way where I would rather not. "That will take time to get used to. I've always referred to you as that."

"Thank you. You're so adorable. Now let me introduce you, hand over your key, and you have a good night." She lead down a different hallway and then the girls appeared at the door. Knocking on it and waiting for the right time.

"Jah. Coming." Laura said on the other side of the door. The footsteps got closer as she opened the door. "Vbride thief!?" Huffed Laura.

"Now-now. Down girl. I'm introducing you to your new roommate. This is Valeria of Russia. Now I know how history is. I get it. But please be gentle and communicate. 'Kay?" Tatenashi winked and put the key in Valeria's hand. "Bye girls."


Headmaster Chifuyu sighed. "So that was your first encounter with the President?"

"Yes I was very surprised at first. I thought she would have a more firm demeanor. But her strength was something I knew about. I didn't know what raw power she had, but I know Russia doesn't choose just anyone if they can help it. That is the difference." Nodded (FN).

"So Laura thought you were Laura all the way until you got caught up in everything right?" She asked.


"So tell me. What was it like when you first got there? Sharing a room, laying down the boundaries, and then things like cooking together. How did all of that come about?"

"Interesting to say the least."


I hope everyone is liking this so far. I know there are some breathing down my neck, but please give this a chance. All I ask is to be fair.


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