Old Love

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Summary: Alcina has lived with her daughters for nearly 100 years. The three find something and go to their mother. Before she was transformed, there was life too, but what happened there? (Alcina is 107 years old, born 1914 and now is 2021 so it is 107)
Tw: death, burning, witch accusation

"Mama?" Alcina looked up and at her daughters. Were they explore everything over and over again like they always did? "What is it?" She asked with a slight Smile. "We have a Question for you" Bela held out her hands to where there was a Diary wich looked rather old.

"What is that?" Alcina took it carefully and looked at it. It looked familiar to her, too familiar. "Better by whom, we found it in a dusty old Room, can you believe that?" came it from Cassandra. Alcina smiled sadly when she read the Name wich was engrave din the Diary.

It was her beloved that had passed a long Time ago.
"(Y / n)" she whispered.


"Good day Alcina" she bowed playfully as they usually joked around with each other. It wasn't really something what noble Women was supposed to do but they didn't care one bit. "Hello (Y / n)" she smiled at the little Woman. (Y/n) was always a Head smaller than her and that's why she used heels.

Alcina lifted the little Woman on her lap and kissed her temple gently. "I love you" whispered Alcina. "Me too" giggled (Y / n) and looked into Alcina's eyes. She alway found that they were quite beautiful as (Y/n) usually got lost in them.


Alcina carefully took the little lady's hand and she danced further with her. Moon shone down on both of them as they danced. It was quiet and peaceful. "You look beautiful as always MyLady" whispered (Y / n), she had always been the charming one.

"So do you" (Y / n) smiled and kissed Alcina's lips. "I never want this to end" breathed (Y / n) as she got lost in her Lovers Eyes once again "It won't ever end, I promise you that" was all Alcina replied.


"Who is (Y / n) Mom?" Daniela wanted to know as curiosity took over all three of them. "A very important person from my past Life" replied Alcina in a sad tone, her voice slightly breaking. »Is she dead or did you just fight with her?"
"Yes, she rests in peace now" a tear rolled down Alcinas cheek.
She remembered like it was yesterday.


"Look alcina" she brought her a Rose, the one with the brightest color. "She is very beautiful, thank you (Y / n)" whispered Alcina while carefully taking the Rose from her Hands trying not to destroy it. "For you always" answered the little lady.


(Y/n) sat on the bench with Alcina as she played the piano. The little lady hummed a song, her Head leaned on Alcina's Shoulder as the Tunes faded away.

Humming coming to a stop and you look up to Alcina who was looking down at you. "Again?" Asked Alcina softly. "As often as possible" you breathed as you begann to him again.


"Is that the song?" asked Bela and pointed with her finger to the Notes written in the diary that they had found. "That is what you always play" Alcina nodded. "Yes it is"
"Was She the one who had written the song?" Cassandra looked at her mother. "Yes, she loved the music and sounds around her"

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