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Summary: You watch you Life once again before fading away completely
Tw: Death, I think mentions of blood but not sure

"(Y / n)! Please stay with us, we can't lose you just yet! Please hold on a bit longer"I heard Bela's faint voice as I saw her Form towering over me. I still remember how Cassandra caught me and how I laid in her Arms while she sobbed and called out for help.

"Don't leave us, we need you!" someone squeezed my Hand butI wasn't strong enough as I slowly closed my Eyes and let the Darkness take over, I couldn't hold on for any longer. Once I opened my Eyes again with a bit new found Energy I was somewhere else.

I was in some Cinema type of Room, I sat in a Chair as some sort of Movie begann to play.


"Who are you" I heard someone hiss behind me as I immediately turned around and stared into yellow Eyes.
The woman who was standing in front of me was beautiful. I had never seen such Beauty. She had blonde hair and rather pale skin and a dark cloak which covered her.

There was blood around her Mouth but I wasn't afraid of her. I felt rather comforted once I got lost in her Eyes wich were mesmerizing. "(Y / n)" I breathed and smiled at her wich she returned.


"Bela who do you have there? Is that fresh Meat!" 2 more Women came wich were just as beautiful as Bela. "No she is. It and you better don't hurt her" Bela hissed while I sat on the Couch with her. "I'm (Y/n), it's a Pleasure meeting you" I introduced myself with a Smile.

Looking at the two I wasn't afraid yet again, feeling the same Comfort as with Bela I relaxed once again. "I am Cassandra and this is Daniela" the black haired one introduced hers of I held out my hand to greet her properly.


"Would you stay here? With us three I mean, we wouldn't really want you to go" I nodded with a Smile as we continued to walk around the Foyer. "Of course, I'll stay with you" and with that Daniela lunged at me, hugging me close to her.

"Who do you three have here? Are you three playing with your Food again?" I looked at the stairs from wich the Voice came from. You could see that it was the Lady of the House and Mother of the three. Cassandra immediately stood in front of me in a protective Manner as their Mother suddenly chuckled.

"It's alright Cassandra I won't do anything, why don't you four join me?"


"It's nice to meet you M'Lady, Bela already told me a bit of you" I said while bowing but she just ordered me to stand up straight before she took my Hand in her's. "No need for that, you're their Mate after all, isn't that so?" She pulled me closer to her.

I didn't dare to breath while I looked her in the Eyes. Maybe the three weren't terrifying but she definitely was. "Mother!" We all looked at Bela who looked threateningly to her Mother.
"Of course, my Apologies" she smiled at me and let go as the three quickly led me beside them.

"I just don't want my Daughters to get hurt, I hope you understand that" she looked at me, her Eyes piercing trough me Skull as I helped and nodded. "Of course I do M'Lady" she only smiled at me.

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