Chapter 6

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Sunnys' POV


I woke up at about 10 in the morning and went to the bathroom to get ready. Once I was done I went down stairs to get breakfast.

While eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch I called Andy. I wanted to see if she wanted to go to the mall later today.

She didn't answer and so I figured she was asleep so I just left her a voicemail.

"Wake up lazy, we're going shopping." I laughed, partially quoting Mean Girls.

It was now about 4 in the afternoon and Andy hasn't called back. I thought it was slightly weird because what else could she be doing?

Oh well I thought, I'll see her tomorrow since we actually have plans to hang out.

It was now Sunday afternoon and I rode my bike over to Andys. When I knocked on the door no one answered so I just walked in. I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked in her closet and noticed that her suitcase was gone. Shit.

I called her again and finally she answered on the 5th ring.

"H-hello?" She answered.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I screamed through the phone.


"Would you like to explain to me why?" I said in a very condescending tone. I was basically the mother in this friendship.

"I- I- can't do this anymore Sunny.." She was crying.

Andy explained everything to me, although I already knew what was going on in her life.

"When are you coming home?" I said crying with her.

"I don't know Sunny, I don't think I ever want to come home." She replied. My heart broke into a million pieces. She was more than my best friend, she was my sister. I need her. But I want what's best for her.

"Are you safe?" Is all I could manage to say.

"Yes I am. I am very safe and I need you to trust me. I can't talk anymore right now but I will call you as soon as I can. I promise. I love you so much. See you soon Sun." She said fast and hung up the phone before I could reply.

"I love you too." I whispered to only myself as I sat on her bed and cried. I need her.

Trevor's POV

Andy was on the phone and she was crying, it sounded like she was telling someone why she ran away.. I wonder who she could be talking to.. I felt so bad for her. Her life was a complete mess and she was so unhappy. I wanted to complete her and make her happy. I'll talk to her later..

We were now reaching the rides and Ricky was walking towards us, Andy quickly hung up the phone before he could see and you could hardly tell she had been crying.

For the rest of the night we just rode the rides, played games, and ate food. At 9 at night we decided we should go home.

"Guys wanna go home soon?" Connor asked. He looked pretty tired.

"Yeah let's go now?" Ricky answered.

"K." I stated. Soon we were all piled in the cars on the way home. Everyone was sleeping over at the o2l house, so it was all of o2l, Jenn, Andrea, and Andy.

I slept in the guest bedroom and I told Andy to follow me up.

"No funny business up there you two!" Ricky shouted.

"Oh shut up Ricky!" Andy shouted back and Ricky laughed.

"Follow me." I told her.

"Okay..?" She answered back with a questioning look on her face.

"Trust me." I told her, looking into her deep blue eyes.

I lead her out the window and up onto the roof. Before she climbed out she said, "Your crazy Moran, I love it." She smiled her amazing smile at me.

"I know," I winked at her, "grab that blanket?" She grabbed the big blanket off the bed and we climbed out. We set it up and laid down together under the stars not saying anything for a while. Finally she broke the silence.

"Any particular reason why you brought me up here?" She blurted out staring into my eyes.

"Do I need a reason to bring a beautiful girl onto a roof to stare at the stars?"

She blushed but it soon faded. "Not necessarily," she said and I could tell she was trying not to smile. "But you could have had any girl, why'd you choose me tonight?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"Andy, this is going to sound completely crazy and I don't care. I like you, a lot. I want to know everything about you. I want to be here for you when you cry and I want to be the one who makes you smile. I want to know you, the real you. Not the one who fakes a smile or pretends to be ok. I just want the real, raw Andy." I told her, she was crying.

"I love you Trevor Moran." She cried and I kissed her. I swear I felt fireworks. It was a hard, passionate kiss and I never wanted it to end.
I pulled away, our foreheads touching, "I love you too Andy." And she leaned in again and we kissed.

We laid there for a while after that, just holding each other. She drifted off the sleep after a little while and I snuck off into the room to get her a pillow and blanket. When I came back I snuck the pillow under her head and laid the blanket on top of us. That night Andy and I slept on the roof together, and I couldn't think of anything better.

"I love you Andy Smith." I whispered as I drifted off the sleep.

Oh. My. Gosh. The feeeels right now! Do you guys ship Trandy? If so vote and comment! Love your cute faces, baiiii.

Stay weird-

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