Chapter 3

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Andys' POV

I've been walking around LA for awhile and I have made my decision.
I will sleep outside, like in parks and stuff until winter. I will get a job and then when it starts to get colder I will somehow buy an apartment. I don't know how that will work since I'm 15.. but I'll figure it out.

The only reason how I got out here and bought a plane ticket is because I have a job at Starbucks.. yeah I know, how 'typical white girl' of me, but oh well. Between having to buy a plane ticket and take care of myself while my dad was gone for a couple weeks, I only have 300$ left.

It started getting dark outside so I figured I should find a park. I finally found one after about 30 minutes and fell asleep on a bench.

Trevors' POV
I woke up from my phone ringing. I didn't bother to look at the caller ID and answered.
"Hello?" I said groggily.
"Hey Trevor, it's Sam. Are you awake?"
"I am now.. what's up?"
"Me and the rest of o2l are going to the park and skate around, Wanna come?"
"Sure, I'll be there in 20."

20 minutes later I was at the park, riding around on my penny board trying to find the guys. After looking for 5 minutes I saw someone asleep on a bench. I thought it would be rude to wake them, so I just started riding by. But as I passed them, I realized it was Andy. I thought I should sit there with her and wait for her to wake up because I don't think she'd be safe. I also wanted to see why she was sleeping there.

But as soon as I sat down her eyes flew open.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was going to meet up with the rest of o2l here and then I saw you sleeping and I thought I should sit with you since you might not be safe and why exactly are you sleeping on a bench?" I said in basically one breath since she looked really mad to see me here.

Andys' POV

I heard someone skating by me but I still wanted to sleep so I ignored it, but suddenly I felt someone sit by me and it scared me so I sat up real quick. I was surprised to see that it was Trevor so I asked him, what he was doing here. He explained that he was here with O2l and he just happened to see me.

"Oh.." Is all I could say.

"But what are you doing here?"

Crap.. I didn't know if I should tell him the real reason. But I figured that I had no one else to talk to so I should probably just go ahead and explain.

"Well.. I am not really visiting cousins here, I... ran away."


"My dad is abusive and I am bullied back home. I only have one friend and I'm just really done with Florida. I needed a change so I ran away." I said without thinking. I didn't need to tell him all of that.

"Andy.." He said quietly.

"It's ok." I explained with a weak smile on my face trying not to cry.

"No it isn't." He said and wrapped his arms around me, "It's ok to cry."

I was now sitting there crying in the arms of Trevor Moran and even though it made me sad to talk about my life and why I ran away, I wanted this moment to last forever. It's not just the fact that I completely Fangirl over him a lot it's as if I could feel something more. That I wasn't just a fan, liking his videos, I am in love with him, his person and I have never felt so safe before. I found home in his arms.

Yayyyy! I finally updated! Do you guys even like this book? Make sure to vote and comment if you do! New update coming soon! Love your cute faces baiii!

Stay weird-

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