We'll meet again - Part one

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Today was a special day. Your sister will get married and you were very excited

"You're so beautiful! I can't believe you're getting married"
"I know, I'm so happy! Wait...do you think I look good? What about my hair? And my—"
"You're perfect, okay? Yoongi will die once he sees you! Just relax"

Before she turned to you and smiled, she took one last look in the mirror
"Okay...I'm just...so nervous"
"You don't need to be! Everything will be fine" you hugged her
"Let's go?" she nodded and you both left home

"Now, relax! I'll be in the other car right in front of yours"
"Thank you! I'll see you there" she hugged you one last time
"Good luck!" you broke the hug and got in the car that was driven by your father

When you arrived at the church, your father waited for your sister while you went inside. You spotted your family and sat next to them

As soon as people started to get up, it was sign that your sister had arrived. You could see how amazed Yoongi was to see her

"They look so happy" you thought

Finally, sitting down again, the ceremony began

You didn't know why, but you felt someone's gaze on you. Maybe it was your impression, since there were a lot of people in the church, yet you weren't feeling comfortable

At the end of the ceremony, all the guests got in their cars and drove to the restaurant where they would have lunch

The place was giant and wonderful! Background music was being played in the great hall, the tables decorated with beautiful flowers, the beautiful decor that surrounded the restaurant, the large garden behind the restaurant...Everything was so beautiful! Sometimes you imagined yourself in your sister's place. It was like a dream!

Still dreaming you went to your place at the table, were your name was written on a paper attached to one of the flowers. The food, already in sight entered the great hall and was distributed to each table. It looked amazing! Everyone started eating

There was already a lot of noise and the conversation also started to unfold on your table

"You are so delighted by all this! It looks like it's the first wedding you're going to" said your mother
"I'm just amazed! It's not every day we go to a wedding"
"I know, darling, but one day will be you!" you smiled. But your smile disappeared as soon as you felt that stare on you again

The scene was repeated several times during lunch. You had no idea who it was but you didn't want to look at the person who couldn't take his eyes from you. But you kmew you were going to do it somehow

Slowly, you raised you head and your eyes met a handsome man. He was staring deeply at you. Even after you looked at him, he didn't look away. You couldn't help but blush, which made him smile. You immediatlely looked away and drank water to calm you down. Whoever this man was, he made you feel very strange

"Are you okay, y/n?" asked your father
"Mhm...? Yhea, I'm fine" you forced a smile and your father just nodded. You started talking to your family again, which made you forget about that scene

As night approached, the music grew louder and people gathered in the middle of the hall to dance. Everyone was dancing but you decided to get some air and enjoy the night outside

You were looking at the stars when you felt someone behind you
"What is doing a pretty girl out here alone?" you looked behind and saw that guy. The guy who couldn't stop looking at you today

"I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable?" you were amazed by his behavior. You didn't expect him to worry about you
"No...it's okay, I'm fine" you smiled shyly at him
"It's good outside, but why are you here alone? Everybody is inside" you looked at the sky
"I'd rather appreciate the stars. It's something I love to do" he stood beside you and looked at the sky
"Yhea...it's really beautiful" you two were now looking at the stars, appreciating the cool breeze

"So...are you the bride's sister?" he asked
"How do you know?". He chuckled
"You are very similar"
"Ohh, so that's why you were staring at me today?"
"No...I couldn't stop staring at you because you're really beautiful". You blushed and hided your face in your hands
"Thank you..."
"Hey, don't be shy, cutie" the way he called you "cutie" made you even more shy

He let you calm down a little, staying silent. You looked at him and he smiled at you
"Better?". You nodded

"You look so young. I'm sorry for asking you this but, can I know your age?"
"I'm 18 years old"
"So young and already this beautiful"
"Stoop! You're making me shy~" you said
"I'm sorry, little thing. Don't be shy"

"Who are you? I never saw you. Are you a part of Yoongi's family?" you asked
"I'm one of his friends...Jeon Jungkook, I'm from Busan"
"And how old is Mr. Jeon Jungkook?"
"I'm 22 years old and please, you can call me Jungkook"
"Okay, Jungkook" you giggled

It went silent between you two for a moment. He was staring deeply at you again
"Are you not gonna tell me your name?" he asked
"I'm...I'm y/n"
"Beautiful name, but wouldn't you mind if I called you cutie?". You blushed for the million time this night
"Not at all" you replied

It started to get cold outside and as you were only wearing a dress, you felt cold
"Are you cold, cutie?" asked Jungkook
"A little bit"
"We better get inside" he said, placing a hand behind your back

Calm music was being played inside. Everyone had a pair to dance with. That's when Jungkook looked at you and said: "Come dance with me". You just followed him to a corner where there weren't so many people

"I don't know how to dance this..." you said, before he could put his hands on your waist
"It's okay. Just follow my steps". You did what he said and you both started dancing

"You're doing so well, baby". You felt something when he called you this. You were feeling something you couldn't explain. You were feeling so happy with him that, without thinking, you rested your head on his chest, still dancing. The sound of the music mixed with the sound of his heartbeat made you feel relaxed

You felt his lips pressing on your head and you closed your eyes, daydreaming about him

Soon, the music stopped and you two stopped dancing. You looked at each other and smiled
"I should go..." you said
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, don't be sorry"

You looked at the ground, playing with your fingers, still in front of him
"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" he asked, worried. You sighed and looked at him
"Thank you for tonight...I'm really grateful..."
"Come here, baby" he hugged you and kissed your head
"We'll meet again...I know we will"
"I'll miss you" you said, looking up at him
"Me too, cutie" he kissed your nose

You had know idea why you were feeling like this about a stranger but he made you feel this way


Written on: 25/08/2019

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