Thigh kink - Part 1

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⚠This chapter contains mature content. Don't read it if you feel uncomfortable⚠

Jungkook's pov

"Babe, are you ready?"

"I'm almost ready!"

That's the same thing I heard some minutes ago...

When I was about to get up from the couch to go upstairs, an elegant woman in a red dress appeared on front of me, grasping my attetion
"I'm ready!"
"Gosh, baby, you can't stop, can you?". She gave me an innocent look and placed her sexy body on my lap
"Didn't you like the dress?"
"Of course I liked the dress, my love! You look stunning". She smiled and kissed my lips

"Shall we go?". She nodded and we left home

We were on our way to Jimin's house where there was going to be a party. He invited us to join him anf although we don't care much about these kind of parties, we eventually accepted

When we got there, we were soon greeted by several people we already knew. There weren't many people I hadn't seen before like I though  there would be, but this way was also better since I don't get along with crowds

I looked around the house to check if I could see Jimin until I spotted him in the kitchen talking to some people. My arms wrapped firmely my baby's waist, so I wouldn't lose her in this crowd, and we headed towards the kitchen

"Dude, finally! I thought you wouldn't come"
"What's up, Jimin" we shook our hands amd his eyes met the girl who was next to me
"Wuaaa, your girlfriend looks beautiful!". I smiled and looked at y/n's face that was blushing hardly
"She always looks, right, baby?". She didn't answer but just rested her head on my chest

"Y/n, Maddie and your friends are in the living room, if you want to them" Jimin said. She hummed in response but didn't move from her spot
"Aren't you going to meet your friends?" I asked her
"I want to stay with you"
"Yhea? Alright, baby, you can stay with me. But are you mad at them?". She shook her head
"No...I just want to stay here with you"
"Alright, just don't feel uncomfortable if start talking about a certain subject". She lifted her head and looked at me innocently
"W-what kind of subject...?"
" know perfectly well what kind of subject" I smirked at her and she blushed, trying to hide her red cheeks on my chest

A few minutes passed and our conversation was even going well, until Tae, for some reason, decided to talk about the "wonderful" night he spent with his girlfriend

"No, guys, I'm not kidding, it was amazing! I'll never forget that night"
"Woaaa, Tae Tae did it!"
"I'm so proud of you, bro"

While they were all praising Tae, I looked who seemed very uncomfortable with the conversation until they all turned to the both of us

"What about you? Did you do it already?". Memories came to my mind, making me smirk
"Woaa, he already did it and he said nothing to us"
"Since when did you do it?"

Y/n grippedt shirt, trying to have attention before I could answer, but I didn't look at her

"Since we started dating". They widened her eyes as if it was something from another planet
"You guys are together for almost a year!"
"How was it?"
"Was it good?"
"Why didn't you say nothing?"

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