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This chapter contains mature content. Don't read it if you feel uncomfortable⚠

The little girl took a last glance at the glass that revealed Jungkook's office, inside his big mansion, and sighed in desperation. Jungkook had promised her cuddles after getting his paperwork done, but she didn't know it would take so long

Disappointed, she looked down at her feet, playing with her fingers at the same time, while exhaling deeply. She turned around slowky and started walking back to the living room, climbing to the couch to lay back on her usual spot

She grabbed the plushy from the ground and held it close to her chest whike watching a random movie playing on the tv. The film wasn't for her liking, making her groan from frustration for being so bored

"Why is he taking so long?" she mumbled out, pouting

She sat on the couch, thinking if she should go or not to his office but, without thinking in the consequences, she got up and headed towards it, not leaving her plushy behind

The door of his office was slowly opened and she entered without even asking

Jungkook was busy, talking on the phone, not bothering that his little one was standing in front of his desk, listening attently their conversation

When he finally noticed her presence, he turned his chair around and his eyes settled on her. He gave her a questioned look but she just walked close to him, standing right in front of him, waiting for his permission to sit on his lap. He understood and chuckled while patting his thigh. She gladly climbed to his lap and rested her head on his chest, hugging her plushy and listening to his heartbeat

"Yhea, you see the files that were in the office 37? I need it tomorrow. Myung won't be working in the company for some days so I need you to get me his files and paperwork" he said, while writing some notes in the the paper in front of him, whike y/n listened carefully his conversation

"Okay, it's all Seung Ha. Don't forget the files, please. See you tomorrow" he said his goodbyes and posed his phone on the desk, writing a few more notes in the paper, before diverting his attention to his little

"What's wrong, baby?". Y/n looked up at him and pouted
"When is your work done?". Jungkook chuckled and pecked her head
"Just a few more papers and it'll be done, okay? Now, who gave you permission to enter in my office?" he asked, looking deeply at her, as she bit her tongue, thinking in what to say
"I...I was bored..."
"Just bored?"
"Yes...You promised me cuddles today but your work is taking too long to be done...So I decided to be cuddled in your office while you finish your work" the girl said, explaining to him the whole story. Be chuckled omce again and  caressed her her back
"You know you should be punished for entering in my office without my permission, don't you?". She gulped
"D-do I?"
"What's rule number 11, baby?"

She knew what was the rule number 11, but for some reason, she pretended to not know it

"I'm waiting, baby"
"D-don't enter in daddy's office without his permission..."
"Good girl. And what did you do?"
"I...didn't ask for his peission...". He listemed caefully her trbled voice, while nodding his head

After she finished talking, the room became silent, making y/n feel uncomfortable with it

"Are you gonna punish me?" she asked  fearing his response. He pecked her lips and smiled
"If you be an obedient girl for the rest of the day, I won't punish you"
"I'll be good, I promise!"
"Good girl" he proudly said

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