We'll meet again - Part 2

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It's been six months since you sister's weeding...

When you met that stranger

The stranger you've never seen since that night

You couldn't lie...you missed him. And yes, you just met him at that night but he made you feel something

The way he talked...the way he treated you...the way he called you cutie

He made you feel special

But despite his promise, the days went by and you lost hope for seeing him again

You didn't want to forget him but you just couldn't spend your days dreaming about him


"Y/n, what do you think about this dress?" asked your friend
"Mhm..." you replied without looking at her
"Y/n, are you listening to me?"
"What??" you looked at your friend as she sighed
"Y/n, c'mon, I need to find a dress for tonight. Don't you want to go to the club?" she looked at you with a sad look
"You promised me you would go one night with me!"
"Yes!! So let's find some clothes to us!". You sighed but followed her

You spent all afternoon walking from store to store looking for outfits to take to the club. Fortunately, and thanks to your friend, you found something perfect to you. But even with that outfit you still didn't feel like going to the club. You've been already in clubs before but it's never been something you'd love to do. You were going for your friend, since you promised to go with her one night


You started to get ready, since your friend would pick you up at 9pm

You looked in the mirror one last time before left home

"Are you sure I look good in this?" you asked your friend, over the video call
"Are you kidding? You look perfect! Every men will be drooling over you" she said
"Ah...what a good compliment..."
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"You know I don't search for horny boys! Every people in the club just want you in their beds!" you said, a little irritated
"I was just kidding! But don't you want to find someone for you? You're 18 years old, girl! You need som—" you cut her off
"Can you just come and pick me up, please?"
"Okay...see you in five minutes". You ended up the call and left home, waiting for her


"Your five minutes are long!" you said, getting in the car
"Sorry. I don't know why but today there's a little traffic"
"It's okay"

"Oh my God, you're so beautiful!!" she said, clapping her hands
"Thank you..." you said, a little down. She immediately noticed and turned off the car
"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you sad?". You looked at her but before you could talk she sighed
"Y/n...You know you have to stop thinking about that guy! He's not the only man in the world! Besides, he's 21 and you're—"
"Can we just go?" you cut her off once again. She said nothing and started driving

When you arrived at the club, there were already drunk people. Some horny guys were already searching for someone to f*ck and others were just sitting on the bar looking at the air, what you would probably be doing tonight

"Y/n, do you want something to drink?" asked your friend
"No, I'm—"
"Of course you want!". You didn't even have time to finish the sentence. She dragged you to the bar and asked for a drink

"Oh my God, y/n, my babe is there! I have to go!"
"Wait! Where are you going?". She didn't answer you getting lost into the crowd. You sighed, thinking that tonight will be a long night

After a while, you decided to go outside to get some air but two hands grabbed your waist, preventing you from walking
"What a lonely sexy girl". Scared, you turned around seeing a guy in front of you. When he was ready to grab you again you slapped him and ran, but he ended up catching you, as he was faster than you
"Let go!!" you said, trying to escape
"Never slap me again, understand? Now you have work to do, slut!"
"Let go...please, leave me alone!" you started crying. But he didn't care. He was just laughing

"Didn't you hear her? Leave her alone!" said a stranger behind him. The guy who was grabbing you turned towards the voice, chuckling
"Go find another slut!"
"I said let her go!". He just passed towards him, still grabbing you
"You asked for it". Suddenly, you heard a loud slap. The man was on the ground, bleeding. The stranger ran to you and grabbed your arm
"Let's go, quick!" he said, dragging you outside

When you were outside, he opened a car's door
"Get in"
"Where are we going?" you asked
"Get in!"
"I will not get in a stranger's car!"
"Just get in the car, y/n!". You were shocked that he knew your name. You decided to just get in the car since he knew who you are. He started driving

While he was driving you couldn't stop looking at him. He was wearing a black mask and his hair was covered with a hood. He seemed familiar but you didn't know who he was

"Are you alright?" he asked, without taking his eyes of the road
"Me?....Y-yes...I'm fine"
"You should be more careful next time". You looked at him confused
"You shouldn't wear those clothes. You don't know how men are like". You said nothing, looking at the window

"Are you not gonna thank me for saving you?". You turned to him, playing with your fingers
"I'm sorry...Thank you for saving me". He nodded
"It's okay. I'm just glad you're alright". You smiled and turned to the window

Soon, the car stopped in front of a house
"Where are we?" you asked, looking outside. He didn't answer and got out of the car, opening the door for you. He signaled to you to get out of the car and you got out. You followed him to the door of the house
"Why am I here?"
"Don't worry, you're safe here" he replied
"But...who are you?"
"Get in the house"
"First, tell me who you are!". He sighed, taking off his mask and hood

"Don't you remember me, cutie?"


Written on: 28/08/2019

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