You're beautiful

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Loki stood in front of the mirror, staring into his own blood red eyes.


His blue skin on his chest that made him look dead, going up and and down as he started to hyperventilate.


The lines on his face that made his face look horribly scared, creasing as his eyebrows furrowed as tears started to go down his horrid face.


He just looked at himself, reminding himself of what he truly is. A monster. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that he is good, it always failed. He always ended hurting someone he cared for. And as it turns out, the only good thing he ever did for the universe is die. And even that was for nothing.

He started shaking. He wanted to look away but he couldn't. It was like his mind needed him to know and never forget his nature. The creature he was.

It then felt like something was pressing on his lungs and his throat felt like it was closing. He couldn't breathe. He was having a panic attack. He fell down on his knees and held his chest. He could call out for help, but he didn't. He didn't deserve any help. He sat there, gasping for air while sobbing. This is what happens to monsters. They burn out, in a pit of their own self pity. This is how it will always be for him. This is how it should be for the monster he is.

Suddenly, a knock interrupted his self destructive thoughts. A muffled, "Hey Loki," came through the door. Mobius.
Mobius was going to go check on his little varient friend for he'd been changing for far to long. He went to door to his bedroom that he let Loki change out of his prisoner suit in. He usually wouldn't let anyone in his bedroom, but Loki was being annoying about his 'horrid' outfit and insisted that he get a change of clothes. So, Mobius gave in. Plus, he noticed that Loki was being more well behaved and was actually trying to help with the case; which was very out of character for a Loki.

Even though he knew it wasn't the wisest decision, he started to actually like this Loki. He was different from all the other ones. It seemed like he actually cared about wanting to be good, but he felt he couldn't because of how he was treated in his early years. Did Mobius believe Loki as a good, innocent person? No, absolutely not. Mobius believed that Loki was a bad person but he knows Loki has the chance to be better. That's what made him different from the others. Or maybe the others where exactly like his Loki, but he didn't get to find out because the TVA pruned them before he even got the chance to.

Either way, Mobius felt like he could trust this Loki. Hell he might even think of him as a friend or...even more so. But that didn't matter right now, what mattered was that Loki was in the bedroom for 10 minutes and Mobius was getting concerned. He walked towards his bedroom and knocked at the door.

"Hey Loki," He started, waiting for a response. His concern grew when he didn't hear anything back. He knocked again, "Loki? You okay?" He waited a few seconds for a response. Nothing. "Hey Loki I'm coming in, if your in the nude don't make it weird." He stated half joking, half serious. He opened the door, and what he saw shattered him. Loki was on the ground, hyperventilating and sobbing. A panic attack. But what shocked him even more was to see Loki in his Frost Giant form. He looked...


Loki looked up and went wide eyed. He was ashamed for Mobius to see him in this form. Causing his attack to get worse. His breathing got even more shallow and he felt light headed. Like he was going to pass out. Mobius noticed his struggle and quickly went down to comfort the God.

"Hey hey Loki breathe." He said in a soft tone, rubbing the others back while he choked on his sobs. Mobius gently put his hands on Loki to attempt to soothe him, but he felt Loki tense once contact was made. Mobius looked at him, his eyes filled with worry. Loki tried to look him in the eye but he couldn't. He felt disgusting in this form. He tried to turn back to his human form but his emotions were distracting his brain. So the best thing he could do was turn away from Mobius' gentle touch and turn the other way, refusing to face the man.

Mobius noticed this and felt a wave of sadness hit him. He realized why Loki was acting like this. He was disgusted by himself. And so he didn't want Mobius to see him in his true form. Mobius just stared at Lokis back. Then he gently put his hand on the Gods shoulder. Loki flinched at the sudden touch, but quickly calmed down. It was only Mobius. He would never hurt him. At least Loki knew that much.

"Mobius, please I don't want you to see me like this." Loki spoke in a horse voice. Mobius looked at the other and suddenly stood up, and walked toward Lokis face, and got on his knees to be at eye level with him. He gently held Lokis face and smiled.

He looked into the Giants ruby eyes; that was filled with so much fear and hurt that it made Mobius want to protect the other for as long at they lived.


He admired Lokis lightning blue skin, making him look so mysterious but astonishing at the same time.


And finally, he rubbed Lokis cheek, tracing the lines on the others face. They were rough and made Lokis face textured, but that's what made him unique.


Yup, that's definitely his Loki.

After a minute or two of silence, Mobius finally spoke. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire existence." He spoke in a soft voice, as if his breathe has been stolen from him.

Loki let a breathe he didn't even know he was holding. He looked the mortal in the eye, looking for any sign of a lie or mischief, but he didn't see neither of the two. Mobius wasn't lying to him. He genuinely believed Loki was beautiful. He wasn't scared, or disgusted by him. What he saw in Mobius' eye was admiration and pure adoration. That's the first time anyone has ever looked at Loki like that.

And it felt amazing.

Loki stared at Mobius, and slowly brought his hand to the mans face, gently placing it on his cheek. After moments of silence, Lokis emotional wall finally broke. First it started as a sob, then into gripping Mobius' shoulder, as if it was the only thing that was keeping him in the world, and next thing he knew it, Loki was sobbing into Mobius' shoulder. Mobius pulled the God into a tight hug, letting Loki let all of his tears out onto his jacket. Mobius smiled and stroked the back of the others head, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

After around thirty minutes later, Lokis sobs have subsided. But he was still holding onto Mobius, rubbing the mans back with his thumb. He's never been this close with someone before. Let alone let someone see him in his Frost Giant form. He was expecting Mobius to hate him for what he was, but instead he was showered in affection. And he wasn't sure how to respond to it. So he did the only thing he thought of.

"Mobius," he whispered, his voice raw from crying. "Yes gorgeous?" He responded. Loki was slightly taken aback by the pet name, but decided to not acknowledge it. He held onto Mobius tighter than before, if that was even possible.

"Thank you."

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