Chapter 11

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We got in trouble with Mr. Aizawa, but it was all worth it to have Jiro back. Ojiro was left in a critical condition, worse than before, and everyone blamed Hagakure. Don't get me wrong, I was anxious to see how he was doing, but I was just happy to know people didn't blame me for his injuries. Everyone hated us for going in there alone, but they were happy to see that Todoroki and Jiro were okay. Mostly. Both Todoroki and Jiro didn't remember anything about trying to kill us and were left with weird marks on their arms from Hagakure.

The next day, I was prepared to talk to Jiro. I inhaled sharply, knocked on the door, held my breath, and waited. "Come in." Jiro's voice was muffled. I opened the door, and she was laying face down in bed. She sat up when she heard the door open, then turned red when she realized that it was me. "K-Kaminari? I- Er, what brings you here?" she asked. "I wanted to talk to you... I figured out what you meant by those lyrics you wrote me." I replied after a minute. She turned pink. "Y-You did?" "Y-Yeah. I..." She stared at me and I stared back into her black eyes. "I like you." I said finally. "You had me terrified when you were kidnapped, I thought they'd do something horrible to you. I was so lost when you weren't here. I really like you Jiro." I couldn't stop. This was it. "You helped me so much and I... I'm so thankful and I just hope you like me back." "K-Kaminari... I... I do. I do like you back." I was startled. I knew it was in the lyrics, but still. "S-So... is it official?" I asked. She slowly nodded. "Call me Kyoka..." she whispered. "Denki! I am Denki to you from now on!" I cried.

"Wow, Kamibro, you look extra happy today." Kirishima pointed out as we walked over to class the next day. "That's 'cause I got myself a girlfriend." I replied. Everyone stopped walking. "WHAT?!?!?!?!" Ashido screamed, jumping up and down. Mostly everyone was screaming or dancing or doing something. "Does she go here?" "What's her name?" "What's she like?" "Is she as dumb as you are?" "Does she call you Denki, or Kaminari?" "Does she know you go to U.A?" "Don't crowd him." Tokoyami said. Todoroki nodded. "So who's the lucky gal?" Kirishima asked eventually. "Yeah, we would like to know, ribbit." Asui added. "You all know her." I replied. Ashido stomped her feet. "THE DEETS, KAMINARI, GIVE US THE DEETS!!!" she yelled. Everyone started asking questions again. "It's Jiro," I finally interjected. "How'd you get her?!" Mineta complained. "I got lucky," I admitted. Everyone started cheering and yelling and dancing and whatnot.

"This is so cool! You're the first one of us to have a girlfriend!" Sero acknowledged. "HOW are you the first one?" Kiishima agreed. I shrugged. Even Midoriya was next to me, scribbling down notes in his notebook. "Like I said, I just got lucky." I replied. "Just... got... lucky...." Midoriya muttered as he wrote it down. I rolled my eyes and laughed. When we got to class, I couldn't stop glancing at Jiro- I mean, Kyoka.The two of us locked eyes twice, which both resulted in us blushing and pretended to be distracted by something.


I was really happy that Denki had told me before I told him. It was a lot of weight off of my chest. I was also glad, because I wanted to tell him before Christmas. It was December 20th already, hard to believe. I had five days to prepare to do something. Somebody knocked on my door that night. I opened the door and there was Denki. He kissed me. Right there. My heart was flooding. We were both grinning and blushing furiously at the end.

"Dinner." Denki said before walking away.

Getting my dinner, I was somehow dragged into Yaomomo's room. All the girls were there. "Jiroooo!" Ashido cried excitedly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, "You should've told us earlier!" "It's so cool that you have a boyfriend, ribbit." Asui added. I blushed. "Have you kissed yet?" Yaomomo asked. "Actually... we just, um, did." I replied quietly. They all squealed, even Asui. "What about dating?" Ashido asked. I shook my head. "Not yet." 'I kind of like Deku... can you help...?" Uraraka asked. "I... um... er, sure, I guess." "That's great, Kyoka, Ochaco. Ribbit." Asui replied. I got up. "Um... c-can I go now?" I asked. Yaomomo had calmed down. "Okay. Let her go." I thanked her and left. I went back to my room, having finished my dinner.

I had the lights off, so someone must've assumed I was asleep and slipped a letter underneath my door. It was addressed Kyoka, so I knew it was Denki right away. Kyoka, if/when you wake up, do you feel like watching a movie? We can do it in my room. ~Denki. I got up, still holding the letter, and walked over to Denki's room.I knocked. His reply was, "Huh? Who's there?" I laughed. "It's me, Kyoka." "Oh." He opened the door. "I thought you were asleep." he said as I sat on his bed. I shook my head and smiled.

We ended up watching Black Widow, but Denki fell asleep only a quarter into the movie. I turned the T.V off and pulled the blankets up and over him. I listened to his breathing. 4/4 time at the moment. It would change. He was so peaceful. Like an angel. A cute, goofy, electric ange. My electric angel.


It was 3 a.m when I woke up. Four days until Christmas. Kyoka was asleep next to me, completely restless. She was shaking. I panicked for a minute. "Kyoka, it's me, Denki. You're alright. Everything's gonna be fine," I whispered, pulling her close. I brushed her indigo hair out of her eyes. "Everything's fine. You're safe. I'm here." She stopped shaking. I layed back down next to her. Subconsciously, she wrapped her arms around me and left her head buried in my chest. Even in the dark, I could feel myself blushing, and saw it in my mirror. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Good night, Kyoka." I whispered. "I love you."

I woke up again around 4 a.m. Kyoka was gone. I fell back asleep thinking of my perfect girl and went to get breakfast at around 8:30. "I saw Jiro go into your room last night." Mineta said smugly. I scowled. "None of your business." Dang, he was annoying. "So, ya sleep with the lucky gal?" Kirishima asked. I blushed. "Sort of." "Did you-" Sero cut Mineta off by taping his mouth shut. "I wanna yeet him." Sero muttered under his breath. "Okay. Getting serious, though. I don't know what to get Ky-uh, Jiro for Christmas. Any ideas?" I didn't know if I should call her by her first name when she wasn't around. "Talk to the wall. I got nothing." Sero replied. I groaned. "I'll figure it out. Eventually."

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