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~Ryder's POV~

The next morning, I woke up beside Clementine in my bed. It still felt odd to wake up beside someone else, and even more so to wake up beside someone as beautiful as she was. And yes, she was definitely beautiful. Even her hatred for me didn't change something like that. How could it?

With that long hair that went down to her hips that turned almost golden when it hit the sunlight just right and her soft blue eyes, her naturally pink lips and the way she always looked up at me from beneath those long lashes...I would be lying if I ever said I didn't find her attractive. Clementine was beyond fucking attractive to me, in every way. For some reason, even her sass and her attitude towards me was something I found hot, though I wasn't sure why.

I studied her features as she slept, not quite ready to get out of bed yet myself but also not tired enough to fall back asleep. Her pink lips were pouty and looked kissable even as she slept, the shape of her brows perfectly arched as if she plucked them regularly. As for her figure, she was curvy with wide hips and thick thighs and breasts that I, admittedly, found hard to keep my attention off of. Then again, I found it hard to keep my eyes off of her body in general, but I really tried my best to. She already hated me enough as it was and I didn't want to give her reason to hate me even more.

Unable to help myself, I scooted a little bit closer to her, stopping before my body could touch hers just so I didn't invade her personal space. I wasn't touching her, but I could still feel the warmth radiating from her and, admittedly, I felt comforted even by being just this close to her. She was warm and she smelled of chocolate, which truthfully just made me want to get even closer, among other more sinful things.

It was only about ten minutes before Clementine began to shift around beneath the blankets, letting out these cute little grumbles until her eyes finally, slowly, fluttered open. Our eyes met and she blinked tiredly at me, looking so goddamn cute that I had to scoot myself away from her a little just so I wasn't too tempted to kiss her. It wasn't like she knew it, of course, but I would've kissed her a long time ago if it were up to me. Hell, I would've done a lot more than just kiss her, really.

"Have you just been staring at me while I'm sleeping, you weirdo?" Tiny mumbled, her dark brows furrowing together adorably. I tried to fight off a smile, but I failed epically. "Not very much." I fibbed a little, giving a casual shrug of my shoulders.

Clementine let out a soft groan and I felt her leg brush mine when she curled herself up in a little ball, her legs against her chest as she snuggled into the pillow. "I know you have been." She said, peering up at me from beneath her lashes. I bit down on my bottom lip and I shifted, folding one arm beneath my head as I stared at her. "You cold?" I asked, not bothering to acknowledge her words. Her lips twitched up a little and I knew I had my answer before she even responded. "Maybe a little." She admitted, and my words flew out of my mouth before I could even think of what I was saying.

"You could always come closer. I've been told I'm quite warm." I offered, not at all surprised when she narrowed her eyes at me in suspicion. "If this is some sort of attempt to seduce me, then don't even bother. No funny business allowed when we're in this bed." She stated, staying exactly as she was. She even closed her eyes, like she was about to go back to sleep.

"What about when we're out of the bed?" I asked, my dumb mouth blabbing before I could stop it again.

That had her eyes snapping open wide, probably not expecting me to say something like that all of the sudden, and that made two of us. She stared at me for a good minute, the color of her cheeks slowly becoming pinker and pinker. "You're blushing." I stated, which just made her bite her lip as an embarrassed, flustered look formed on her face. I was no idiot. I knew just from the way that she had reacted to me being close to her yesterday that I could make her flustered; it'd be an utter lie if I said otherwise, or if I said that I wasn't glad about that.

"I'm not." She said, her soft voice coming out not very convincing, especially considering I could literally see her blushing right now. I raised a brow at her. "Sure you're not." Was all I said, not bothering to make her think I believed that whatsoever. Her blue eyes narrowed at me in a glare as she sat up, the blankets falling away from her body when she did so. I zeroed in on her body almost immediately, stuck on how cute she looked wearing my clothes. She obviously didn't have any pajamas here, so she usually just slept in one of my t-shirts and boxers.

"Hey, you pervert." Clementine said, snapping her long fingers in front of my face to bring my eyes back up to hers. I stared up at her. "I don't know what's gotten in to you, but you shouldn't make jokes like that." She actually began to scold me, causing my lips to part. I definitely hadn't been joking, but there was no need for me to tell her that. It wasn't like I even had any shot with her, anyway. The only reason she was civil with me now was because she was stuck with me here. "Sorry." I told her instead, not wanting to push my luck any further. She just looked at me for a moment and then nodded her head as she slid out of bed. I watched her walk to the dresser, sneakily pull out a pair of undergarments like I wouldn't know what she was getting, and then she went into my closet. When she emerged, she held some clothes in her arms and her eyes found me.

"And I wasn't blushing." She told me again, before she stalked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut all dramatically.

I smiled to my and rolled over so I was facing my nightstand, drifting into thought to pass the time. It was barely past nine AM now, so I was actually surprised that Clementine had even woken up already.

She was only in the bathroom for about fifteen minutes before she came back, the sound of the door opening causing me to roll over to look at her. The length of her hair fell straight down her back, still looking a little bit damp, and I almost could've fucking drooled when I saw what she was wearing. Tiny, as I had noticed many times since we met, liked to wear skirts and dresses quite a lot, so it was no surprise that she was wearing a dress. Nonetheless, how good she always looked never failed to stun me. Her dress was white with a yellow floral pattern on it and it had a little slit that showed off her left leg, the dress looking rather flowy despite how well it clung to her waist and hips. The swell of her breasts popped out of the neckline and I willed myself not to stare at her too hard out of fear of making her uncomfortable.

"You're staring, Ryder." Tiny told me, a teasing smile growing on her full lips. The way she looked at me like that made me swallow thickly before I sat up in bed, my heart pounding in my chest so loud that I could hear it in my ears. "Sorry." I apologized, rubbing my eyes as I shook my head to myself. I heard her laugh and the sound was soft and nice, making me look up at her again.

Clementine stalked towards me, the fabric of her dress swishing around her legs while she walked. She crawled into my bed and I felt like I was about to explode when she smiled at me, the fullness of her lips continuously drawing my attention to her mouth. "Are you going to make breakfast again?" She asked almost hopefully, causing me to raise a brow at her. "Do you want me to?" I responded. It wasn't like it was hard for me to make breakfast, after all, and I had no issue doing it for her. She hummed, cocking her head to the side. "Only if you will make me something with eggs. Do we have eggs?" She wondered, placing her palms flat on the bed as she leaned towards me more.

I couldn't help but to let my gaze linger on her lips, stuck on the idea of what it would be like to kiss her, even just once. "I think we have some, probably." I said, and she grinned, her teeth gleamingly white. She had a distractingly beautiful smile. It was rare that I had ever seen it directed at me, before all of this.

Tiny left the bedroom and I groaned as I rose out of bed, deciding that I needed to get up so I could make breakfast soon. I quickly took a shower and then got dressed before I went downstairs, not surprised to find that Clementine was sitting in the the living room, chilling out on the couch. She looked up at me when I entered and I ran a hand through my hair, annoyed at the water that kept dripping into my eyes. "You okay with egg, sausage and potato quesadillas?" I asked her, watching as she thought about it for a second before she nodded. "That sounds good."

So I made the quesadillas for us, and then I brought her a plate as I joined her on the couch with my own. I couldn't help but to watch her when she took a bite, hoping that she'd like it—and thankfully, it seemed like she did, judging by the little hum of content.

And I couldn't help but to feel rather...content with myself for making something she liked, even though I had done it before.

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