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~Clementine's POV~

For the first time in my life, I was woken up by being rolled on top of, which naturally scared me awake. A wheeze left me at the sheer weight of Ryder's body on top of mine, flush against my back. "Ryder!" I groaned in complaint, turning my head. I could feel his head on my shoulder, the soft wisps of his hair tickling my neck and his warm breath fanning my skin. This man was sleeping completely peacefully, as if I wasn't crushed under him like a bug.

Instead of responding by waking up, he just kept right on sleeping. In fact, he just murmured something nonsensical in his sleep and then, somehow, it felt like he rolled onto me even more. His legs were on either side of mine, one arm just above the left side of my head while his other arm stretched out onto the space where he was supposed to be lying. If I had to assume, it didn't seem like he was going to be waking up anytime soon. Still, I didn't want to lay here, crushed under him, for who knows how long. So, I kept on calling out his name, hoping that it would wake him up and he'd move, but it didn't. He stayed sound asleep, like I expected.

After about ten minutes of trying and failing to wake him, I finally gave up and lapsed into silence, deciding to just lay here until he woke. It wasn't as if I had another option. Unfortunately, he had evidently taken the blankets from me during his sleep because I was still cold, mostly on my legs.

It must've been at least an hour before Ryder began to stir, his lips parting to release a groan as he absentmindedly nuzzled his cheek into my shoulder. Then, he suddenly snapped his eyes open, looking confused. I felt him lift his head and I whined. "You sleep like a fucking rock!" I complained, and he paused, seemingly trying to understand what exactly was going on. "You're crushing me, by the way." I added. He laid there for a moment longer before he sat up, a sigh of relief leaving me at the weight being lifted off of me at last. "Shit, Tiny, I'm sorry." He apologized, rolling off of me. I huffed, turning over on my back as I looked over at him, taking in a deep breath.

"You sleep so heavy, Ryder." I told him, causing him to laugh and shake his head. A smile formed on my lips as I laid on my side, eyeing his face as he laid beside me. I grabbed the blankets and pulled them back over me, curling up underneath the covers. "How long was I sleeping on you like that?" He wondered, cocking his head to the side. Humming in thought, I shrugged one shoulder. "A little more than an hour, probably." I said.

Ryder's eyes widened, but he smiled a little. "I guess at least now you can assume you're comfy to sleep on." He joked, earning a soft laugh from me as I shook my head, amused. "Yeah, I would definitely assume so since you were practically dead to the world." I teased him, giving his muscular arm a playful nudge.

He smiled, his eyes wandering down my face until they landed on my lips. "Did you try to wake me?" He wondered, not looking very surprised when I nodded at him. "Yeah, you just really weren't waking." I answered, and he gave me a small sheepish smile, clearly embarrassed that he had crushed me like that. It was pretty fucking cute of him, honestly. When he looked at me like that, he looked a lot younger than he usually did at most other times. However, now that I was thinking about it, I didn't even know exactly how old he was.

"I just realized I've known you for a couple months and I still don't know how old you are." I pointed out, a little surprised at my own realization. It had never really occurred to me to ask before now.

"Yeah, well, we never exactly got the chance to get to know each other before, so that makes sense." He chuckled, his handsome smile forming on his face as he looked at me. "I'm twenty seven, though." He answered, looking at me expectantly, clearly waiting for me to tell him my age now. To be honest, I was a little surprised that we were so close in age. Not necessarily because he looked old, but because he acted very mature. "I'm twenty three." I told him, watching as surprise flashed across his face. Apparently, he was just as taken aback as I was.

"You look surprised." I noticed, smiling to myself a little. He just shrugged, sitting up on his side of the bed. "I mean, I'm not surprised, I guess." He said, leaning onto one hand. "It's just you have this...innocent look to your face that makes you look both not your age and exactly your age. Makes no sense." He explained. Though his words sounded odd, I found I knew exactly what he meant. My mom had always told me I had innocent facial features. A kind of baby face, I guess.

A laugh tore out of my throat. "Actually, I know exactly what you mean." I giggled, amused. I had never had anybody except my mom say something like that to me. She must've been right, then. "My mom used to tell me something like that."

Ryder smiled. "You have a nice laugh, you know." He mentioned, catching me incredibly off guard. I blinked at him, my cheeks warming at the sudden compliment. "It's pretty." He added, and I turned my face, hating the fact that I was now blushing even harder. I was probably bright as a fucking tomato. Having someone who looked like him compliment me, in any way, made me feel flustered.

"I-I should go take a shower." I stammered, crawling out of bed. Not waiting for a response or even thinking, I rushed into the bathroom and closed the door, glad that my hands were cool when I placed them on my cheeks. My skin was hot to the touch and, when I glanced in the mirror, I had a flush across my face. Just like I'd expected, so it wasn't a surprise, but I was embarrassed. There was no way he didn't know how he made me feel.

With a shake of my head, I went to the shower and turned on the water, letting it heat up whilst I got undressed. We'd been stuck here for a couple of days now, but I doubted I would ever get used to that glass wall within the shower.

After I had taken my shower, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel, my gaze falling to the counter where I usually left my clothes to put on. It was only then that I realized that, in my hurry to get away from Ryder, I had completely forgotten to bring clothes with me. I stared a little longer, as if that'd make clothes suddenly appear, and then I face palmed myself. How could I be that stupid?

Since I didn't have anything to put on and I definitely wasn't going out in just a towel, I slipped Ryder's shirt and boxer's on that I'd been sleeping in again. Then, I opened the bathroom door and peeked out into the bedroom, where I spotted Ryder laying in bed. Thankfully, he was asleep again, so I snuck into the room to quietly gather some undergarments and a change of clothes. Once I had clean clothes, I returned to the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief, glad that I hadn't woken him up while I was looking for clothes.

I slipped on a simple pair of white shorts and a green tank top, quietly slipping out of the bathroom once I had changed. Ryder was still dead asleep, or at least that was what I thought until I went to walk out of the bedroom. "Where you going, Tiny?" He called after me, the sound of my nickname on his lips making my heart skip. Although I had at first been a little unsure of the nickname, I found that I actually liked it. I liked that he had something of his own to call me, not because I didn't like my name but because it felt nice that he'd picked something to call me that nobody else did. It was personal, I guess.

When I turned to face him, he was sitting up in bed, staring me down. I gave him a look and placed my hands on my hips. "To find food. You're still sleeping like there's no tomorrow and I'm hungry." I said, the attitude in my voice only making him smile in amusement. I'd never understand this man. If it were any other man, I'd probably be left to fend for myself and yet he liked when I had an attitude.

Ryder rose out of bed and sauntered over to me, his brown hair a cute mess atop his head. God, did I want to run my fingers through his hair. It looked so soft.

"What are you smiling at me like that for?" I asked him as he stood before me, a huff escaping my lips. He was so tall I had to tilt my head back a little bit. Unsurprisingly, mirth sparkled in his gaze and there was a playful smile on his lips. "Your attitude." He said, but I had no idea what he meant by that so I just stared at him, waiting for a little more of an explanation. "When you get an attitude like that, it's like you think you're being threatening." He elaborated. I narrowed my gaze at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you saying I'm not?" I asked, unsure if that was something to be offended by. Probably not.

"Not even a little." He said, looking amused as he took a step closer. Our bodies were both in the middle of the doorframe now, causing his chest to brush mine. "But it is kind of hot."

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